Justice League Book Club Week 25: Extreme Justice

Well hello there Justice League Book Club Tally-Ho! :wave: :sunglasses:

This was a story unlike Iā€™ve ever read. :sweat_smile:

Not before this, but if I remember correctly one of our other JLBC readings we had a little taste of the Extreme Leagueā€¦ Might have been in our Incarnations weekā€¦ :thinking:

Checks past posts and it was! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Iā€™m thinking I should have been listening to extreme music as that probably would have taken me to a whole different level. :metal: :sunglasses: :metal:

Definitely interesting seeing this Leagueā€™s team members follow Captain Atom into the ā€œseemingly desertedā€ mountain. :eyes:

Nice to also see how Amazing Manā€™s powers worked and how they helped in being surprising, and helping out a friend Ronnie. :smiley:

I did feel bad for Maxima in trying to have a relationship with Cap which didnā€™t work out. :pensive:

It was also nice seeing Blue Beetle find his beetleā€¦ Even if it was because his father sold off the designs for a profitā€¦ :sweat_smile: :beetle: :sunglasses: :+1:

Say, I did carry a CD player, rollerblade at the skating rink, and oh the dial-up Internet sound and making sure no one picked up the phone while using itā€¦ :joy:

And alsoā€¦ Thisā€¦ :point_down:

Other Extreme Justice Thoughts

A nice study lesson. :nerd_face:

My reaction was also very similar, and then it was fun learning that Cap just quantum stepped himself because he absorbed too much energy. :astonished:

The docā€™s reaction to Skeets is so funny. :rofl:

Do not get Captain Atom angryā€¦ :exploding_head:

Ah, here is that explainer panel that had Cap time jump instead of dieā€¦ :clark_hv_4:

Silly Oberon trying to explain things in a superhero worldā€¦ I guess I would be skeptical as wellā€¦ :thinking:
Orā€¦ If I did live in their worldā€¦ Maybe notā€¦ :superman_hv_4:

Woah! Look at Professor Stein! Never seen him like this beforeā€¦ :open_mouth: :fire: