Justice League Book Club Week 24: Milestone Returns

So far I like it… Probably No. 9 is my favorite of the series so far since Superman guest starred in it. :joy:


Nightwing Spoilers

When Nightwing left Barbara all by herself to go off and do a mission with Talon instead… I was about to show up to Nightwing’s doorstep like so… :angry: :sweat_smile:

Or, from our reading, how like Icon “surprised” the rest of the League and punched Superman I would have surprised Nightwing in some way that got the point across and say you don’t do that to Barbara! :superman_hv_4:

I’ve found with almost any comic series I read I end up liking it. Reading comics is something I’ve always wanted to do, but before DCU/DCUI I had not been able to do so. I would put other series before it and some below it, but it has my interest in seeing where the story is going. :sunglasses: :+1:

Just like our League story this time, I might eventually go back through the whole series, and I may have read No. 29 to also learn more about the villains of the story. :nerd_face:

I also have to know why Batman died. :pleading_face:
I think one of the Crisis events happened around this time that’s also on my list to read so I’ll get that full story later. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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