Just finished Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run, what next?

I’d also imagine you might like the 1986 The Question series and the 1987 Green Arrow series (through issue 80)… Unfortunately about 75% of that Green Arrow stuff is presently missing on here. I’d still recommend reading the Longbow Hunters mini and reading the 25 issues of the ongoing GA that is here.

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Anyone else not really dig the show? Maybe I take the comics too seriously. I Thought the stories and characters were rooted (haha rooted!) loosely in the comics but they changed enough stuff for it to disappoint me. Make sense? It is pretty scare and gory and cool on its own I guess. My big pet peeve…where was Abby’s white hair?..

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I agree, I think it was hard for the show to adapt Swamp Thing the comic because how can you display the horror of The Anatomy Lesson throught TV. The awnser is, you can’t it’s impossible and Moore made it that way on purpose. Also, I think the rest of the show fell to something I call the Alan Moore Curse and it just went flying down.

I’ve been reading comics so long! I was already a fan when the “comic movie” was created. I remember being so disappointed in films released from about 95-05 that I quit attending in theaters and waited for everything on video. I think over time I’ve quit expecting adaptations and hope for good movies featuring characters influenced by print characters. I like a lot of movies with this mindset.

I am a fan of Watchmen and V for Vendetta despite not being perfect adaptations. I also think Alan Moore needs to get over it. He’s one of my favorite writers, but he knew he was creating these characters for a major publisher and he didn’t own the characters. He’s always been too grouchy for my taste. I prefer a Gibbons mentality.


I’m sorry to hear you didn’t much care for it, but I adored it! I like seeing different interpretations of the characters that I love, and I don’t expect TV/film to be a carbon copy of the characters I’ve read about. I was really happy with where the show was going, and am very disappointed that it go cut short.


I’d agree that for all my griping I’d be quick to watch it if another season dropped. I was still disappointed though. For example I was waiting for Woodru to turn into the fluoronic man the whole time and he just stayed a regular bad guy with no plant powers. Except for a quick teaser minute when he ate swampys heart. And I was half hoping that Abby would get scared within an inch of her life and her hair would go stark white.

Anyway I don’t want to try to take away from your enjoyment of the series by being negative. In general it was pretty cool.

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Lol don’t worry, you’re free to express your opinion too! And I’m curious, did you happen to watch the after credits scene of the last episode? If not, based off of what you just told me I think you’ll be thrilled by it. And if you’re anything like me, it’ll make you even more upset about them cutting the series short xD

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I’ll check it out