Just A Quick Question; DC's Best Book?

I enjoyed the first two issues of that so much, but decided to drop it anyway, so as to have current Superman titles to look forward to on DCUI and/or in trade.


I am having that same issue with Superman books right now. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve been getting both Superman and Action Comics for the past few months. I’m not sure if I’ll keep that up, because I do like being able to read them on DCUI, but I can’t resist the art in Red & Blue.


Right now, I would say Nightwing.


As of next month, I’m planning on my Superbook intake to be:

  • Action Comics
  • Superman and The Authority
  • Superman: Son of Kal-El

I know that I’ll try to be patient in waiting to read Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow on DCUI, but I also know that said patience will likely fly out the window, ala Clark flying out of the Daily Planet when Superman is needed, and that it too will join the titles above.


I REALLY want to get Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. The art looks great, and it has Krypto. But I feel like I have to draw the line somwhere. :stuck_out_tongue:


@Green.Lantern I just saw that next week is a light week for new books for me, so back you go onto my list, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (which debuts next Tuesday)!

My patience eroded even quicker than I anticipated it would. :nerd_face:


my current Top 10

  1. Batman/ Superman
  2. Nightwing
  3. Justice League
  4. Challenge of the Super Sons
  5. Batman: The Adventures Continue Season 2
  6. Crime Syndicate
  7. Robin
  8. The Batman & Scooby Doo Mysteries
  9. Justice League: The Last Ride
  10. Batman/ Catwoman

Robin, The Zdarsky/Barrows/To story in Urban Legends, and Nightwing are the three best books DC is putting out right now, IMO.


I don’t know. After the Bendis fiasco, it may take some readers time to get back on board with Superman. The last 11 issues of Action Comics that Bendis/Romita did were just god awful! Superman needs a little TLC to get readers back.


Started Picking it up because of Zdarksy, but originally passed on it. Seemed like it was going to be the same old “alternate universe where this team disbanded because of some mysterious serious big event that happened in the past but they have to hand back together despite their differences to do one last mission”… and it was, but the first issue was still pretty enjoyable, it’s just hard to get past that overused cliche for me, I guess.

Agree that Nightwing is pretty good. Anything Taylor touches turns to gold.
Flash is good, and I’ve been absolutely loving Batman/Superman. Joker and Suicide squad were the other first issues I originally passed on and went back to (love joker the character, but he’s been used a lot lately. And Suicide Squad and Superboy just didn’t seem like a combination that was going to be good). Joker is redeemed by Gordon, but not enough that it’s too too high up there for me. Suicide squad was surprisingly enjoyable, actually.


Agreed. I’ve got very high expectations for the debut of Superman: Son of Kal-El next month, so I hope his magic continues into that series.

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Jeremy Adams is killing it on The Flash! The best damn book DC is putting out currently. It’s a fun rollercoaster ride of action and character moments that eschews ideologies, agendas, and angst. It is truly the best kind of fiction–ESCAPIST!


So many people have already read this so ig it doesn’t count, but i’d say Superman Smashes the Klan.

if i had to choose one that nobody’s reading, I’d say Hitman.