July's Community Member of the Month: Vroom!

Says “Hi-o!” in his best Ed McMahon voice.

What? :slight_smile:

Cool beans! Can I add to you my “People I’ve enabled on DCUI by showcasing potential items of interest to them that they then go and purchase on eBay and/or elsewhere.” list, please? :smile:

You’d be in excellent company, as high-quality folks such as @moro, @DC89, @TheCosmicMoth and @SteveTrevor2.0 (I believe that’s everyone, but if I forgot a name, it’s purely by accident and not on purpose) are on…pause for dramatic effect and drumroll…The Enabled List.

I know what ya mean, Vern. :superman_hv_4:

Pauses to see if any “Hey Vern, Its Ernest!” and/or Ernest P. Worrell fans are in the audience.

Ernest Goes to Camp is high-brow cinema, mmhmm. :smirk:

In the words of Adam Sandler when he was on Saturday Night Live, “Not too shabby.” :clap:t2:

Hey, you got it. Always happy to help out. :slight_smile:

:notes: “Cel-e-brate good times, come on!” :notes: :partying_face:

You’ve my condolences and a free hug, if you need. :people_hugging:

Absolutely. There’s no such thing as “enough time” to say goodbye when people we love more than words in any language can convey pass away.

As an optimist, I’d like to believe that your new acquisition is your mother’s way of looking down from Heaven and touching your life with joy once more, as you resume a hobby that has brought you great joy. :slight_smile:

A fine, fine collection of Catwoman goodies. :+1:t2: I know your forthcoming Catwoman will find an excellent home with those items for many years to come.

I’m excited for your excitement! :raised_hands:t2:

If you like, feel free to share photos of Catwoman when she arrives, either here or in the Collector’s Corner forum in the Look What I Just Got thread.

She’s in my eBay bookmarks. When funds allow and I’m caught up on other tchotchkes of interest, I’ll probably pick her up…especially as Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom edges closer toward release.

Look at you with another eBay score! Very nice! :+1:t2:


Jason’s in for a tough go though, because I would not want to go up against the combined badassery of Polaris, Emma, Jean and Magik, especially if she’s wielding her big honking sword, which she likely would be.

I would however enjoy a campfire with them as we all sing “Life is but a dream.”, Star Trek V-style and enjoy hot, delicious schmoes.

“They’re called “smores”, Buzz.”

I knew that Woody, geez. :nerd_face:


The '90 Daredevil and this guy (also from '90)…

…were among my favorites of Toy Biz’s Marvel Super Heroes line.

Both figures were my introduction to each character and when I think of Daredevil and Silver Surfer in-general, those figures from 33 years ago automatically come to mind.


If memory serves, my dad bought Daredevil and Silver Surfer for me from Target.

Both figures were kinda-sorta hard to find, initially. I would have flipped at seeing just one of them on the pegs, but when I saw both of them at Target?

Well, let’s just say I did a double-flip…“figuratively speaking.”

Bummer. At least you tried though, and that’s what counts. :slight_smile:

Here’s another option for her JLU figure (same piece that was in the six-pack from 2008):

The above was her second release in the line, circa 2009 +/-.

From the Superman/Batman: Public Enemies line (a Target exclusive) and released by Mattel in 2009, here’s another option for Siobhan in plastic:

Her JLU and SB/PE figures are just about the only plastic representations we have of Siobhan (save for any HeroClix releases).

I certainly wouldn’t mind a Silver Banshee from McFarlane (and Spin Master as well), as she definitely deserves life anew in the toy and collectible scene.

For good reason. :catwoman_hv_2:

From Mattel’s DC Super Heroes line and released in 2007:

The Batman: Legacy Batgirl you mentioned is a repaint of the above blue and gray Babs.

I don’t have the Legacy version of her, but I do have the DC Super Heroes edition and she is one my favorite figures of the Babs BG, no doubt.

You tell me when the first meeting is and I’ll be sure to bring a hot dish to ring in the festivities by. :superman_hv_4:

All toys deserve love, especially those with a bit of wear. Fifty cents was a darn good deal for that figure and then some.

As was said in 1987’s Masters of the Universe, “Good journey!” :wave:t2: :clark_hv_4: