Jorge Jimenez intends to do every issue of Joker War! Do you prefer one artist or multiple per story arc?

Hey all! First topic, am I doing this right? In the right place? I sure hope! Anywho, I was very excited to hear Jorge Jimenez intends to do the art for the entire upcoming Batman arc: Joker War. I personally much prefer this to multiple artists per arc and feel any story usually benifits from it. Sometimes in a blockbuster type of event (No Justice comes to mind) it plays well with the story and can be fun, but I feel consistentsy usually pays off. What do you all prefer?


It’s always better when you can have 1 artist doing the whole arc. Given that Jimenez is already the 3rd artist on Tynion’s Batman, I don’t really have any expectations that the art will stay consistent, but it would be fantastic to see. Jimenez’s work is beautifully dynamic, and it would be so great for him to be the sole artist for a major story like this

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Jimenez was busy and knew he couldnt commit to the art at the beginning of Tynions run so thats why Tony Daniels and March did the art for the first couple issues. I will always prefer one artist on a run or story arc but if the two artists have similar art styles and it doesnt hurt the story then im okay with multiple. That was my biggest complaint about Kings run. Unpopular opinion, I do not like Mikel Janin’s art (I think I spelt his name right). I felt when there were multiple artists on a story arc during kings run that it messed with the flow of the story.

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I generally think a single artist helps set the tone and feeling of a story, so I prefer that consistency and immersion; however, I’ve seen stories that work with multiple artists too.