Is the Blackest Night Reading Order on Here Correct?

As most of you know, when you search up a story arc, it will pop up and there will be the issues of the story presented to you in chronological order. I have been reading the Geoff Johns Green Lantern and the GLC series and have finally gotten to Blackest Night and I just want to make sure I am reading everything in the correct order. I’ve been googling reading orders and it seems like there is a few out there lol. Sorry if this has been asked before.

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I’m not sure but I’ve found that the reading orders in the storyline section of the app are correct and the ones online that are different have been wrong. Blackest Night seems right to me on the App. (I think the first time I’ve read it all and in order is on the app).

If you’re reading any story on the app that crosses multiple titles and isn’t in the storyline section, you have to get the reading order right then search for the title and number of every consecutive issue. I’ve messed up a few reading orders doing that 🤷

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I am very confused by what they do and don’t consider to be part of the “core” story. Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps definatly should be in there.

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