Is Black Label Stuff Canon?

Is Human Target a Black Label book?
If it is, then I can forgive the atrocity I just witnessed in issue 6
(Particularly if it is indeed out of proper continuity)
If it isn’t……


Then DC hasn’t learned anything from the mistakes of the past 11 years after all!


Its a Black Label Tom King book what do you expect, the charactors to be treated well?


No…. I had a bad feeling about it right away.
But I was willing to go into it with an open mind.
But it wasn’t until this issue that King finally went and started breaking the toys in the toy box that my original gut feelings came back full swing.


Btw does anyone have “Its all just a dream” written down?


Tom King needs to move to creator owned work and stop damaging pre-established charactors


Yes, it is. You can usually tell from the packaging, it’ll say it on the front and back of the book.

Plus, you can tell just from Guy being there as a GL. I’ve only read up to where it is on DCUI, but as of the current Green Lantern series, only Jo and Hal actually have working green rings.

Then you get to some of the other stuff we’ve seen in the series, like Booster Gold focusing on creating a restaurant chain, Ted basically being Iron Man, and Fire having a fling with Martian Manhunter. At this point, it should be pretty obvious that King is doing an outside continuity neo-noir mystery featuring the JLI as the suspects.


Well something that just occurred to me.
Green Lantern Rings are supposed to protect a Lantern from Mortal Injury.
Even without that feature however, GL rings protect their wearer’s in the hard vacuum and sub zero temperatures of flying through space….

That essentially means that there is no way Ice could have frozen Guy to the shatter point with her Ice powers as long as he had the ring on (which he did during that fight.) Even back in the good old days before Emerald Twilight, the emotional spectrum, etc…Guy took his ring off before Batman could one-punch him!


Why doesn’t the green lantern ring go off to find a new welder

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The more I read this series, the more I see it less as a murder mystery and more as some sort of bizarre dream

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well, there are currently two multiverses one is the original infinite multiverse the other is the current multiverse. however, it also seems this time the multiverse is no longer limited to 52 universes and is back to an infinite number of universes like the original concept. however, batman/Fortnite also shows that DC is now connected to other multiveses too and this is what the Omniverse is.


Makes perfect sense and is not at all confusing :neutral_face:.

Not a knock on your (appreciated) explanation. It’s just… the rules for this stuff change on a writer’s whim.

The multiverse consists multiple universes, with different versions of our heroes, sometimes good and sometimes bad… I like to simplify things to myself so I don’t pop a vein trying to make sense of it all :joy:.


that is about how the basic multiverse works for DC. I have given myself a headache contemplating multiversal theory over the years using philosophical ways. I do not understand enough math to do it that way.
that is true but only if they can slip it past the editor :grin:


I mean…basically, yeah. I just don’t think that’s inherently a bad thing. To me, continuity is like a seasoning – when enough is applied, it can add a lot of weight and flavor. But, if you use too much, it overwhelms and you lose the dish.

(If that makes any sense.)


It makes a lot more sense than multiverses theory……(But what do I know? I barely passed Algebra!)


I don’t disagree. I meant specifically regarding the makeup of the [insert prefix here]verse, the repeated re-explanation and re-imagining of it. I guess I sort of lost interest a bit in the specifics of it all… universe, metaverse, multiverse, dark multiverse, omniverse, the bleed, the overvoid, hypertime, the source, the source wall, the hands, the monitors, the chroniclers… the more is added to it, the more things become inaccessible (at least for me). It’s very much akin to your spice analogy :slightly_smiling_face:.


It seems like I remember seeing 3 Jokers plot details mentioned in couple canon comics. Obviously, that isn’t remotely enough to declare the book canon (since I can’t remember the exact source), but I wouldn’t just dismiss the tale because of it being released under DC’s Black Label.


As do I, I seem to recall a scene with Batman, Green Lantern and the Joker where it was referenced, but can’t remember the comic, though I believe it was part of the Deqth Metal storyline.

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Welcome back to the community @mothman_zack! :fireworks: Please feel free to let the moderator team know if you need anything. :slight_smile:


Will do! Thanks!

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This is how people see Tom Kings Black Label books

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