I'm new to the Batman comics. Which ones should I read in what order

If you’re a completionist like me this order works

year one
Man who laughs
Long Halloween
Dark victory
Robin/Batgirl year one
Killing joke
Death in the family
A lonely place of dying
Under the red hood
The entire Morrison run
Scott Snyder run
Kings run


Once you have read Year One (Batman #407-410), you can start reading the series Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight for more early Batman stories.

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Court of owls and city of owls are both good starting points

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Batman definitely drinks both coffee and tea, regularly, depending on time of day and what Alfred brings him. He would never drink soda.

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Sorry, wrong thread.

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I’m so jealous that you get to read all the Batman runs, arcs, crossovers etc for the 1st x. Wish I could have Zatanna lobotomize me & start fresh on em. Just a touch not as far as Dr. Light just a Batman dose.

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Start with the run that every Batman fan agrees is the best, Tom King’s run starting in Batman #1 (2016).

Flame war starts in 3, 2, 1…

If your a completionist this this order will help as a rundown

The zero year story line or year one (take your pick honestly)
The long Halloween
Dark victory
Batgirl year one
Nightwing year one
The killing joke
Death in the family
A lonely place of dying
Grant Morrisons run
Scott Snyder run
Tom king run

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