If You Ran DC

All my favorites would have long ongoings


I would make a series all about Johnathan Crane. I would also have a Bart Allen a series with bits of Tim and Kon sprinkled in. Constantine would as well be at the forefront of my DC.


Also would make a story with the League of Assassinā€™s at itā€™s center.


In an ideal world you wouldnā€™t have to worry about sales. I would like to go back to the real beginning of the DCU. Start with Jack Woods, Capt. Grim from the Wake of the Wander, Don Drake and many of the pre Superman characters for about three to six months. There would be some foreshadowing as some of the mystical characters would realize that something big is coming. Then enter the Superman to usher in a new age.
Shortly thereafter they would have a first but rare Crisis that would result in the creation of the Linearverse where DC history would more or less follow real time. Death would still be possible but would not be used for shock effect or cannon fodder. Once a character is dead it would be possible but extremely difficult to come back.
While characters acknowledge the existence of a shared universe most heroes prefer to remain in their own corner and so do the villains for the most part. When they do crossover it should be acknowledged as an occasion. But I would not forget about the regular heroes like the reporters, aviators and adventurers who were the mainstays of the early days of comics. They would be intergrated into the DCU. Perhaps with backup stories.
And then Iā€™d have shorter stories. Perhaps only one or two issues, although writers could still have ongoing backstories or subplots.
And then Iā€™d probably have to declare bankruptcy because I think those days have passed.


Also Iā€™d hire @bookwormfitzpatrick.91230 as a writer


My ideas would probably bankrupt the company as well. Itā€™s just difficult to balance artistic integraty with monetary capital. One always ends up outweighing the other.


Iā€™d second that.


Awwww thank you


WOW THAT IS SO GREAT I love it I would buy every issue that came out


I would try to reach a wider audience.

  • Advertise comics wherever books are sold.
  • Advertise DCUI on TV and in other books people are reading.
  • Have trades and hardcovers on the shelves in Walmart and Target, not just new stuff but classics as well.
  • Tell complete stories that donā€™t require reading 10 other books from decades prior to understand the current story.
  • Sell Batman & Co, but also really sell the rest of DC. Showcase the richness of the DC Universe beyond just Gotham. Dawn of DC is currently doing this. Hope it lasts.
  • No more reboots, soft or hard. I think Dawn Of DC serves as a good starting point for new readers. Continue building on that.
  • Introduce new characters and stories, not to ā€œreplaceā€ existing heroes, but to expand the universe and add to it.
  • Publish more sci-fi and fantasy. Expand the multiverse beyond just alternate versions of existing characters (which is fine & dandy, Iā€™m just proposing to go beyond that).

Iā€™d make all the 18+ characters hotter. I donā€™t know how Iā€™d do that, but I would find a way.


Give them Firestorms powers.




For new gods and other gods, I would put them on earth with secret identities similar to clark kent. Similarly for 31st century legion, I would put them on 21st century earth with secret identities so they will be more similar to booster gold. Easier to use characters in events if they are all in 1 place.


Some will claim they tried with New 52 or Earth One. But I would reset all characters. Re-introduce them in an efficient way. In new 52 they didnā€™t commit and Earth One was better but still not how I would do it. We could explore origins in the future put I would start with Superman and in like Earth One introduce him to Metropolis, we explore origins later. Batman I would start with the death of his parents. Making the mystery of who done it a core concept and watch him train as he ages. Green Lantern would be the death of Hal Jordan and Stewart taking the mantle, no rainbow of Lanterns. Black Canary and Green Arrow are a street team, no riches for Ollie. This couple has to come up together. Wonder Woman would ascend upon earth like a god. Flash is a dimension hopper that gets stuck here. The funniest you but the one who has seen it all. Aquaman is the king of the seas and hates the land. His family would be complete and united. If you live under the you stand with Aquamanā€¦until you donā€™t. Almost an anti-hero. No MM yet. No Hawkman yet. No Shazam yet. Villains develop slowly, reacting to the supers. Mainly street level guys that have to keep upping their games to match the heroes. Outer space to be explored except GL Corp meets Stewart meets. The heroes make moral judgements not just battle villains, but some do exist in the basic definition. Amanda Waller starts as the bad. Government op who runs things behind the scenes. Not a suicide squared but letā€™s just same she has an arsenal not to be taken lightly.

From a publisher stand point do limited runs that tell a self contained story. Tell your readers from the start dont take the past too seriously. Events impact what is to come and the people have memories but each new series feel like a new day. Get the idea that only a 400+ issue run is successful out of your head. We care about the title character and this limited series story. Make covers iconic again. Itā€™s what pulls people in. Variants are ok but the standout varient is the exception not the norm. And for Godā€™s sake dont bend to the movies like Marvel does in print. They make their stories, you make yours!

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Washington D.C. is a big place. If I ran it I would be very tired from getting all that cardio.


I mean, you could just hire artists who really lean in on cheesecake (or beefcake, as the case may beā€“but letā€™s be honest, thereā€™ll be a lot more cheesecake).

Now, as for me? Well, letā€™s be honest, itā€™s not going to surprise anyone.
Boot Tynionā€™s nonsense from the canon. No terrible new origins, no awful characterizations, no drawn out stories trying to be deeper and more intellectual than they are. The concepts for his stories could be re-contextualized to fit into the pre52 canon (which I did as a thought experiment on my show), to be less, wellā€“bad.
And Iā€™ve got the perfect method to initiate it!


Um I am very much a beefcake.

But how do you prevent the continuity from becoming ā€œtoo complicatedā€ within a year? Do you place such draconian restrictions on storytelling - no new characters, etc - that it becomes very difficult to find writers who are willing to write for you? And if youā€™re committed to some kind of ā€œreal timeā€ conceptā€¦eventually your characters will age too far. Do you just make them all immortal? Do you plan for a new reboot?


I have thought of this.

1- The editor has the job of making sure there is nothing like assuming the readers know all these things that are no longer in continuity. They cannot just introduce previous legacy characters thinking stuff like the readers are familiar with all these now out of continuity stories. No throwing in Red Hood thinking the readers are familiar with all these old comics from the 2010s.

2- In the advertisements from the back advertise the stuff referenced in what they read. That way in a few years down the future they can say what comics in continuity lead to these.

3- Naturally the writers will want to use their favorite legacy characters and have trouble dealing with factors that many will not show up for years. Therefore a few elseworld comics a year will focus on these legacy characters in large groups. Keep the writers happy, as they can be used, and keep their fans happy as they are used.

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