If You Could Only Read/Watch One Thing Ever Again DC, What Would It Be?

Maybe you have been cursed with a fate worse than death for breaking into a tomb.
Maybe you have minutes to live but luckily your device has DCU.
Maybe you are moving to the moon and can only bring one comic/episode/movie.

Whatever the reason for this horror, you can only watch/read one comic (because I am nice, I will count volumes), episode, or movie and then NEVER be able to do anything DC again. You cannot avoid this fate. What do you choose?

One issue of one comic title? That’s not a possible choice, my friend. Just shoot me now!

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If it’s a comic, then it would have to be the Grant Morrison Batman omnibus. If it’s a movie, then it’s Batman '89.

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Oh, I didn’t think about a collection!

Okay, then…Absolute Hush


That’s right! Cheat the system with me!


If that’s the situation, then I need the maximum value for that one piece of media. A video game is the logical choice, since they take up more time per unit than anything else. Batman: Arkham City would have to be it, then.


@JeepersItsTheJamags wins the cheat-the -system contest! (For the record, I did say I allowed volumes and collections are pretty much the same thing). Great answers one and all!

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Novel- The Long Halloween
Movie- Man of Steel
Cartoon episode- “Almost got im” Batman the animated series
Animated movie- Batman year one

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