if u could make a DC character or characters come to life, who would u choose?

What heroes, Villains, or DC characters would u choose to become an actual human being? & why if u want to explain?

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Superman because of his values


What @animalperson just said

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-Alfred for housework, tip-top nosh and his English wit.

-Diana (Wonder Woman) for her intelligence, grace and beauty. She could skill me in the ways of Themysciran combat too.

-Karen Starr Power Girl for her intelligence and business insight.

-Superman. No explanation needed.

-Young Justice iteration of Forager. He’s cute and fun. I’d get him a big ol’ bag of apples too.


Right on, haha good reasons.


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I’m not sure I’d want to release anyone with actual superhuman powers into this world, even those with strong morals and are “good”. I feel like it would lead to scientist/rich people trying to genetically modify themselves/others, which could create chaos.
So I’d go with someone that isn’t superhuman, but still remarkable none the less. Also, assuming I get to make them come to life, that means I also get to hang out with them, I’d go with Dick Grayson (or the Batfamily if I did multiples.)

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The world needs a Superman.



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Superman, of course.

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I would love a real life Trinity.

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The world would become a better place with Superman. Not only will he save a ton of people. People will look up to him for guidance. The only problem if Superman was a real thing, is that politicians would constantly harass him to get his endorsement.

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Politicians have tried getting Superman’s attention in the comics and elsewhere before. He usually, if not always, declines public endorsements. I’m sure he’d do that IRL too.

It would be swell to have Superman in our world.

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Well, geez. I came in here to say Superman, but that’s what everyone else is saying, so I’m going to be contrarian and choose the Flash.

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Beast boy no doubt.

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I’ve skipped over this thread for two days, because I assumed there’d be a bunch of suggestions for demented characters like Batman.

You guys really raise my faith in humanity by picking Superman. I mean, honestly, I love Hawkman, and I think he’s virtuous. But he’d be torturing and maiming people. There’d be state wide manhunts for Batman; lots of innocents would get hurt. Ted Kord would get hacked; Jaime Reyes indicates that there are evil aliens. Etc. etc.

Supes is the only character that wouldn’t, accidentally or on purpose, destroy our society.



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My second choice so would have been Swamp Thing we need a protective of the environment plus I need a Gardner


Dan Didio


Exotica from Divine Right.

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