How do you keep track of your comics?

I have been using an app to keep track of the comics I own, I have read, and I was planning on reading in the future.

With the large influx of comics coming to the service I figured I would add some to my wishlist so that when the library expands I won’t be lost with what I should read next. Unfortunately in doing so I have noticed the app has syncing issues and some data was lost.

So I decided what better place to find the replacement then here. How are you guys keeping track? Any suggestions are welcome.


When I was first collecting I would still track mentally. Back then (2000’s) I would look at the cover/series title and make a mental note of it. There were a few times I bought repeats, but that was very rare. It was a economical solution given I had a 5 dollar allowance and would go to the store a few times a month. I also used DC Database and read the synopsis of comics I did and did not own.

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At the moment I am getting the covers of Comics I do own off DC Database and putting them on Google Photos in Photo Albums. I even include the synopsis in the comments of the Cover (Photo).

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@portalman that’s an interesting way to keep track. Must be difficult to find things quickly or search though without naming every photo in compiling albums.

@aphex978 Unfortunately that website is my current method.

Fortunately for me, DC Uni-App keeps my spot for me :slight_smile:

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@FlashLegacy The Google Photos Method is just for reference if I am unsure if I own the comic. It’s more easy than it sounds. I group the comics based on the series and can change their order. Naming is easy for me. Just CTRL-C and CTRL-V.

My list is still on paper, believe it or not. I just pencil in Titles and issue numbers as I go along.

I did make a digital catalog about 10 years ago, but the app was free then, and now it costs about $30 a year, and I have not decided if I want to go that route, or just stick with my pencil and paper method. Data can be corrupted, or become inaccessible, but my paper inventories are still with me even after all these years.

When you get to about 5,000 comics, deciding to start over on a new database seems like a hassle. I think it took about two weeks, or more, to enter my entire collection the first time.


@macjr have you thought about optical character recognition?

@macjr I would recommend scanning your list with a good flatbed scanner and then following the instructions in the following link:

@macjr Google is very reliable about server data backups and you can also backup the data you upload on your devices and external media (Micro SD Cards, USB Drives, etc.)

What app?

The app I am currently using is Comic Geeks. It uses the database from League of Comic Geeks which is why I said it was my current method in a previous post.

The app is okay but I have encountered problems such as loading empty pages, data not syncing properly, and poor search performance. It is a free service though which I greatly appreciate.

Usually, I write down the titles I want to read on a piece of paper. I also made a To Read list on the app.

Physical Copies and Spreadsheets. I’m pretty old school, although, I may just buy to collect with the age of the digital library upon us!

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@portaIman, I will look into the suggestions. It is possible that optical character recognition is better now. I would get mixed results with that tech in the past.


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You could try

Has a free 7 day trial. I liked it better than League of Comic Geeks. But it’s more $$ than was willing to spend.

I keep track using Goodreads. I also have lists on here for ones I like and ones to reread. I’ve also started commenting on ones I’ve read just so I can quickly identify it as one I’ve already read if I don’t want to check Goodreads.


It’s good old pen and paper for me these days. I used to scan the lists onto my hard-drive years ago but I don’t have a PC at all now since my last one’s motherboard crashed and burned years ago. After that fiasco I decided a tablet was a better option for me and besides that I find pen and paper lists to be simpler to deal with then keeping up with updating both a physical list AND one on some app.

I did like the Comic Collector Live software, that I was using, I am just not sure I want to spend $30 per year for it.

There are advantages using software, once you get all the data added into it.