How do you keep track of all your comics?

How do you keep track of the comic books you own if you buy the physical copy. I have over 500 issues and currently I use an app that, basically, I type in or scan the barcode of the comic book that I have and it takes a registry of it and puts it on a list for me and organizes it and when I’m out shopping for new comic books I can just open up the app I’m boom there are all my comics

well I was using the soft tissue app between my ears combined with a notepad on my phone, manually entered with a) issues in possession, b) issues needed, and c) issues unavailable … but that requires constant updates–fun, but time-consuming

new books are relatively easy to keep track of with a digital calendar … it’s back issues and who has them and for how much that I need an app for

I just use an Excel spreadsheet for the comics I own and a Comics Wanted single Word sheet for any storyline gaps etc. I’ve seen the apps like what you mention, and they were either by subscription or you had to keep buying an update to a database, that kind of stuff, so I have stayed clear of those for now , too expensive.

… and even with all that I still end up with duplicates that I end up just giving one for free when I sell comics on eBay.

I use the CLZ comics app


I use CLZ as well.

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CLZ for me as well

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Also Don, CLZ is a one time purchase.

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Bookcase and my iPad apps. Old & Nu Skool

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Sounds like you use Comic Geeks? Me too, but I will check out that CLZ.

What I really would like is something that sorts by story arcs within a series so I can be sure to add the crossover series to my pull list. Like The Button arc that went between Flash and Batman, or the Metal tie-ins. Hard to keep up if you dont pull all those series.

My big thing with that app is that most of the older comics have no bar codes and I can’t record them. I have a fairly good memory and tend to remember if I’ve read that story before. And I keep all of my books in alphabetical order from series names

Boxes. Lots and lots of boxes. Broken up by publisher, then by title.


O boxes for sure. my main collection I keep a to z for most stuff, but I do have a separate box collection for Valiant and one for Malibu / Ultraverse ( and ultraverse will never be digitized even though Marvel bought it ). I really really enjoyed the worlds those two Publishers created in the early 90s!!!