How Did Injustice Affect Superman for You?

I loved hating Superman if that makes sense. I ended up becoming more interested in Supes after the original injustice. Tom Taylor is a fantastic writer, imo. The comics were great and the games were really fun.


I still love Superman. Just not this corrupt and obsessive Superman. I donā€™t like seeing Superman take over the world. It kind of diminishes the character, in my opinion.


Iā€™m ok with MANY different iterations of a character good/bad just as long as MAIN CONTINUITY doesnā€™t get messed with Horrifically :joy:


I enjoyed him, like how in some of the first few issues of Year One he was pretty unsure of what he was doing and if it was right. Too bad Wonder Woman was there with him


It made me really sad. But I canā€™t deny it was really cool to see him let loose. It helps that its in an alternative universe though.


As a Superman fan, I think of Injustice as a novelty. If youā€™re a fan like me then you can see it as an Elseworlds. I take it as just another Earth in the multiverse. Seen through that context, itā€™s fine.

If I have a gripe with Injustice its yet another story of Superman being the bad guy and only Batman can stop him. This is a trope Iā€™m absolutely tired of. We can blame Dark Knight Returns for this hackneyed cliche. How many times can we see this story? Also, someone above mentioned the Crime Syndicate so weā€™ve seen this before.

That being said I think Tom Taylorā€™s writing is what ultimately stops me from dismissing Injustice as a whole. I find Taylor to be an outstanding writer. While I may not agree with the premise of Injustice and what it does to Superman, I can appreciate the world-building that went into this.


Love Superman regardless of the Injustice portrayal. Normally, evil Superman doesnā€™t do much for me, however, I have to admit, I enjoyed Injustice and the way it played out Supermanā€™s fall from grace so to speak. I was disappointed that there was no redemption in the end, but that wasnā€™t the tale to be told.


I agree with that, I see people lose interest in superman because of what happened in injustice without reading other superman comics.

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Yeah and unlike other villains in other series superman doesnā€™t realize what heā€™s doing is wrong, all he knows is that he wants to protect no matter what. He still think of himself as a villain and honestly superman feels more like a villain than most other villains Iā€™ve read in media.

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Iā€™m currently reading dceased and honestly I say Iā€™m enjoying it more than marvel zombies(not trying to start a debate, just my opinion)

yeah, unlike a lot of vllains where we just see a flashback on how they turned evil in injustice we see supermanā€™a road how he becomes evil and that makes a lot more empathetic

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I see what you mean, thereā€™s a always a villain so Despicable and does a great job at being evil and actually being unlikable(unlike most villains) that itā€™s fun to hate. Honestly I have to admit I enjoyed this scene

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it really does but I enjoyed reading this one

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letā€™s hope dc never decides to make supes evil for real

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wonder woman really wanted some super d no matter how many lives were ruined, i personally donā€™t mind Supes x di but wow this series almost ruines it.

I know, before I was heavy deep into comics and i played injustice, injustice almost made not want to get into superman because of what happened.

I agree with that, I mean just because one superman is evil doesnā€™t his other stories arenā€™t good.

Yeah Iā€™m also getting tried of it. Honestly why canā€™t there be a story about batman going evil and superman trying to stop him

As I said other than injustice Iā€™m almost really enjoying deceased

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Thereā€™s still going to be an injustice 3, but I donā€™t know if superman can redeem himself after all that he has done.

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Since the ā€œInjustice-verseā€ is itā€™s own Space outside of Main Continuity I say LET THEM GO NUTS! ā€¦ see how Psychotic Superman can get. He isnā€™t MY CK/Supes so NBD to me

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I did as well.