House of Horror 27 - Memorial Day and Zombies!

Let me just say that I absolutely adore iZombie. I remember reading the first few issues forever ago when I was at a friend’s house. Then for whatever reason, I never kept reading it. When this series dropped on the launch of DC Universe Infinite I wanted to dive right into it but I also knew that we would be reading this in House of Horror. The time finally came and last night I flew through the first 2 issues continuing the rest of our reading list this morning.

The art is magnificent. There are a few different styles happening while staying true to the main art style. Of course, the art can be great but if the writing is bland it makes for a rough read. Happily, that is not the case with iZombie. This first story arc does a great job introducing all of the characters while weaving a tale that was interesting and funny and sincere.

I have watched most of the TV show and I will say that there are a lot of differences, which is perfectly fine as we get two different versions of Gwen.