Hey what’s up everyone!


You mean like the science police in legion?


As a GL fan, you picked a good time to join. They are about to add the GL animated series. It’s really good if you haven’t seen it. I will say it took me a little while to get into the art style, but the story is solid and maybe if it gets a lot of views here we will finally get a second season! They were setting up some really cool things for a second season. Also as a GL fan, the 2 GL animated movies here leave tomorrow



Oh ok I gotcha. I was thinking in a total different area when the obvious was right in front of me.

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Heyy @InMahno

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What’s up my man!


Agreed, I love the science police, but I’m glad Saturn Girl decided to join the legion instead of them. I won’t post about that anymore tho, just had to mention one of my favorite characters. The legion has a ton that I love. I’m a green lantern man tho, those were some of the 1st comics I read as a kid they’ll always have a special place in my heart.

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I even have a Jessica Cruz bombshells statue & she’s a crossing guard/ police officer with a green whistle, a green stop sign that says go, green traffic cones etc. As soon as I asked that question I thought, what a dummy, I literally have an example of what he meant 10ft away from me.


I know right. When I first saw Saturn Girl on Supergirl I was like where’s the classic red & white or at least the Saturn emblem with the rings. Amy Jackson made me forget all of that in about 5mins.

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Jessica Cruz is the bomb diggity as Power Ring and a GL. She’s cool.

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