Harley's Crew

:diamonds: Dear @Harleys-Crew,
December is here, so of course, we have some new activities for you! First, like always: :books: :snowman_with_snow: New Books, complete w/ a Yule Log!! :raised_hands: (feel free to add some wintery musics to :harleys_crew: Dr. Quinn’s Music & Art Therapy thread while you’re at it :dancer:t2:)!

:eyes: We also have a new issue of :harleyquinn_hqas: HQAS: Legion of Bats, as well as :ivy_kiss: Poison Ivy 1 arriving this week! AND THATS NOT ALL! We are continuing our cozy Winter WALS :tv: :coffee: w/ :face_with_monocle: the honorable Wednesday Addams right THIS WAY.

There is also THIS :joker_hv_1: happening soon!

Last, but not least: Once again, our talented and generous friends over at DC Fan Art Club dcfac are taking their annual Holiday requests! :snowflake: It’s one of my favorite traditions here. So do stop by when you get a chance.

Happy Harley-days, Crew! :hugs: :green_heart: