Harley's Crew

Ya know…you’ve given me an idea @DC89! It’s time to send an official invite on behalf of the Crew :harleys_crew: :black_heart: (that she’ll never see, but I don’t care! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

Dear Sasha,
Quite of a few of us have been fans of yours for…I can say yearsss now—plural (Aka: ye olden days of 2019). Casually Comics is easily our favorite comic channel, which makes you an honorary member already, yes, BUT :face_with_monocle: we would be honored if you should ever feel inclined to join our motley ranks.

:heart: you. Never ever stop! And don’t forget your baseball bat!! :harleyquinn_hqas:
Sincerely, Harley’s Crew
Ps. Yes. I do use this gif every time I talk about you. :sunglasses: :poisonivy_hqas: #forScience

Pps. I found another poll, everyone!