Harley’s Crew 📺 Watch-Along! DC SUPER HERO GIRLS 💥 (E45-48) MONDAY 4/19 @ 7pm PT/10pm ET

Super :hugs:'s to you @TheCosmicMoth, @iJest, @ejdias.95910, @ArkhamKnight79, and @Jay_Kay!

@Hiraeth- :purple_heart: :hugs: :purple_heart: :hugs:

Queen @Razzzcat and Mighty @Mae: I bow to your super awesomeness. Thanks again for these DCSHG WALs- so. much. fun. :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:

Oh, and of course- a whole bunch of these to you both as well! :smiley:

G’Night everybody! Yay Harley’s Crew! :harleys_crew: