Harley Quinn Language/Profanity?

WHY CAN HARLEY QUINN CARTOON USE THE “F Bomb” :bomb: Non-Stop but a Certain “C” the one regarding women gets bleeped? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
(Not counting Sci-FI Airings)

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Because the F word is so overused, its lost any ability it may have had to shock you. The C word isn’t used anywhere close to that level, so its still offensive.


I think the C word is used in UK often but this is a usa platform

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The censoring of the word is part of the joke.


Because while one is an expletive, the other is a slur. Expletives are merely impolite; slurs are used to belittle and denigrate a certain type of people.


I think c*** is an expletive (on top of being a slur, of course).


Oh ok

It’s not commonly used here in the US

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This highlights the subtle and confusing differences between American and British slang terms.
Being an American myself, I can only cite what i have seen in British films over the past two decades now with men, oddly enough, calling other men a c@*t.
Shaun of the Dead and Snatch being the two examples i can think of.
Can I get any of you_____ a drink?
You’re a ruthless, ____ Liam. I’ll give you that.
This term referring to the female reproductive organ is way too politically charged and vulgar for any mainstream usage in the U.S.
As has been pointed out above, the F-Word has been striped and defanged of any poisonous offense by deacdes of usage in the military which has since flowed into the mainstream where it is used as every part of speech there is.


I had drinks with a guy from Manchester one night about 10 years ago. He must’ve called me that word 25 times over the evening. It’s like saying dude for some people?


It had to have been a creative decision to censor it. I thought it might’ve been bad enough for not even DCU to use, but considering Doom Patrol just used it uncensored in the season 2 premiere, that doesn’t seem to be the case


This was brought up early on in the first season if you go back through the HQ review threads here on DCU. It’s part of the joke. They rather liberally use MF bombs and the d word (that ends with a K), but the c-word, well, that’s part of the joke.

It’s all good, I didn’t get that joke either. I mean if you can lay down MF bombs, any word should be ok outside of racial slurs – which they also stay away from.


It’s weird from a male perspective for myself but, I’m not a female and women in the USA hate the word. But, in Australia the word is used for a literal sandwich term. I wonder how they interrupt the show’s dialogue.

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Maybe DC wouldn’t allow Wonder Woman being called that out loud so they bleeped it to still have the scene. But everyone’s reaction is funnier than the word and nobody watching was confused. We know what Psycho said


I guess the show runners said it was their intention to :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: it to be more funny and dramatic



Thanks :grinning:

The scene is much funnier when playing around with the subtext of that word and how it is a firestorm, no reference intended to Raymond Stein, among the perpetually outraged citizen’s brigade.


Huh firestorm?

It is a word politically charged that there is no middle ground about so it incites a firestorm of controversy escalating people to set fire to others verbally either in person or through social media; both of which happened to Dr. Psycho.