Green Lantern: The Animated Series Readalong [5/03 - 5/10]

Greetings Lantern Corps! Have you enjoyed our watchalongs with the animated series? Then perhaps you’ll also enjoy reading the animated comic series with us!

The goal is to read an issue each week and discuss. This week, issue #7
Here’s some ideas to encourage discussion, but feel free to talk about anything you want related to the series. Just don’t include spoilers from future issues.

  1. How did you like Goldface?
  2. Was anything surprising to see?
  3. Did you have a favorite part?
  1. How did you like Goldface?
    Yes. His backstory was kinda basic, but his character was good. Gave more backstory on Razer, had logical motives, was immune to the greens so we got to see Razer fight more.
  2. Was anything surprising to see?
    Want expecting Goldface to be from Razer’s planet. Also didn’t expect Zox to go behind Atrocitus’ back like that.
  3. Did you have a favorite part?
    The solar flare gun was a creative way to deal with the yellow. Also, Razer having more of a front line role.