Green Lantern: The Animated Series Readalong [3/29 - 4/05]

Greeting Lantern Corps! Have you enjoyed our watchalongs with the animated series? Then perhaps you’ll also enjoy reading the animated comic series with us!

The goal is to read an issue each week and discuss. This week, issue #2
Here’s some ideas to encourage discussion, but feel free to talk about anything you want related to the series. Just don’t include spoilers from future issues.

  1. How do you like the Invisible Destroyer?
  2. Was anything surprising to see?
  3. Did you have a favorite part?
  1. How do you like the Invisible Destroyer?
    I think he had potential to be an even better nemesis than what we got here. He was defeated a little too easily for my tastes. I wouldn’t mind seeing him fleshed out a little more in main continuity.
  2. Was anything surprising to see?
    I was mildly surprised to see our little friend from the first issue make a return. Even if it was short lived!
  3. Did you have a favorite part?
    I liked the panels at the end where Hal saves them from the planetoid exploding but kills his ring in doing so. Then in next panel, with no words, you see the red light come in and save the day.
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  1. How do you like the Invisible Destroyer?
    Immediately hated him for killing little shenanigans, as I shall forever refer to him. I like his character, and I get the issues are short so the story needs to move along, but I hope he comes back. They teased a lot of history that didn’t get revealed.

  2. Was anything surprising to see?
    Ch’p getting a shout-out in the fan art section

  3. Did you have a favorite part?
    I kinda liked the random old dude. His first line of “get off my rock” made me read his voice like a cranky old man.

Other thoughts:
The beginning seemed to give extra backstory for readers that maybe haven’t watched the show, which I think is why I didn’t like this issue as much as the last one. I also find myself wanting to see more of Razer. His tensions with Kilowog are my favorite interactions of the characters so far.

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