Grant Morrison Starter Pack Suggestions

I know a lot of people dig Morrison’s work. I’ve tried to get into his stuff, but I’m struggling. To me All Star Superman quickly devolved into a cluster****, and early on into Doom Patrol I’m scratching my head wondering WTF I’m reading.

Can anyone recommend a good Morrison arc? Preferably one I can read without feeling like I must be having a stroke?

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That’s usually how Morrison writes. It’s not for everyone. Most of his works, you really need to read them twice to appreciate it.

Have you tried Batman & Robin? It’s on the app.

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Sorry, but that feeling is the quintessential Morrison experience. If you’re not willing to embrace the weirdness- and many, mostly myself included, are not- then you won’t enjoy his writing.

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His JLA run tends to be pretty straight forward. Give Rock of Ages a whirl.


Batman Legends of the Dark Knight 5-10, Batman Inc. 1-2


If you didn’t enjoy All Star Superman then I’m convinced Grant Morrison’s work may not be your cup of tea.

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You are literally the first person I’ve ever come across that didn’t like All Star Superman.

But really if you can’t get past the “out there” ideas, then Morrison is not for you. Maybe his JLA or Batman & Robin if you really want to try. Those more straight forward.

Just read The Invisibles and let it break open your mind. Everything else will slide right in.