Gotham Gazette: The Batgirls are Back!

Awwwwww thank you so much :blush: so that’s what that cake was…

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There’s 10 Green Lanterns of Earth.

They’re all real. And Gotham does not have “far too many heroes”, it’s a dystopian hellscape with a revolving door of criminals with new and exciting ways to kill people. Gotham could only truly be safe in every individual square block had 4 superheroes.

Origins are irrelevant, thanks to hypertime, which would make continuity completely pointless even if every fifth issue didn’t end with all of reality being altered. It’s best to treat every individual story like its own continuity, with the entire rest of the DC mythos as a sort of supplemental semi-canon of self-contradictory stories.

They’re ALL REAL!!!

They all know each other, they’re all agreed on sharing the title. You can dislike the idea, but this is no different than getting a relative or friend’s permission to name your kid after them. There’s no “real” Ed Norton.

I disagree. Origins are what help mold characters, sets them on their journey. In the case of Steph and Cass their original origins were good, the Tynion origins are glib and terrible, and its the latter DC has chosen to maintain for unfathomable reaosns. Their retconned development was lazy and relying heavily on pre-existing knowledge of the canon they were disregarding (again, making the act of reinventing them pointless). Hypertime sounds more like an excuse for lax editing and uninspired writing in general. Suggesting some kind mental gymnastics routine to make a story “work”, feels like readers should pay to do half the work for DC.
Fact of the matter is, the version of these two characters they’re focusing on are the weaker, infantilized, poorly developed, with none of the meaning they once had. If they had a separate book that focused on the good versions, and had nothing to do with any of this retcon junk, I’d buy that in heartbeat (provided they got a decent writer that wasn’t going to “Tynion” all over everything). But they’re not doing that. Seems like Hypertime would be a great opportunity for that (like Rebirth was a chance to fix the mistakes made with these two), but once again, DC is passing it up.

Yes, continuity can be difficult to work with, but readers actually like the history of these characters. If the writers, editors, and higher-ups hack it, that’s something they need to work on, or step aside.

Greetings! I have been waiting and waiting for Steph to make a solid return. I loved her pre-New 52 Batgirl series and was angry when it ended. Is she going to be a regular in this book now, or was it more of a guest appearance? Any help on keep up with her appearances would be very appreciated. Thank you!

That’s my point, that hypertime makes even the laziest writing easily excusable. That if you want, you can imagine that these versions have the better origins.

And my point is, that’s a bad thing. “Lazy” should not be considered an accepted writing “style.” It makes normally good and great characters lesser.

No, I can’t, and I won’t. I’m not inserting “headcanon” so lazy writers and editors, or grossly self-indulgent ones, can continue being bad at their jobs. I won’t given thunderous applause for mediocrity that makes characters I enjoy worse.

I’m not giving thunderous applause. I don’t like hypertime. I think you’re thinking of me as trying to defend this, when I’m really explaining how DC has managed to insulate itself from consequences, and how it can sometimes be used as a workaround when they do bad things.

It did kind of read like that, but looking closer, yeah, you weren’t technically endorsing it.
So, my bad.