Future State: Aquaman Spoilers-Discussion

Future State continues flooding in. Need to get your feet wet with some individual title talk. Dip your toes in here for Future State: Aquaman.

To me, Aquaman has been on a run of great writers since Peter David in the 90s. That run continues with Brandon Thomas. The cover is a little misleading in that I’m thinking the story is light hearted fair with Aquayoungman and Aqualass (great name whatever Andy thinks). Thankfully, nothing light hearted here. I enjoyed each phase of this story from Jackson trying to teach Andy, to the two of them traveling worlds, to Jackson as a full grown beard, dreadlocks flying, PO’ed Aquaman. It’s cool that in the course of this we see Jackson at least physically fully embody being Aquaman. And, his keepers should be very worried. On art, we’ve seen Sampere’s work before and he and the rest of the art team just shine throughout.

Wow, I completely missed this came out this week. Guess I have something else to look forward to. :slight_smile:

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Really first rate