final crisis? did you like it?

What TheDemonEtrigan said. It was about Darkseid finally obtaining the anti-life equation and using it. It did not care for FC my first time through. But I was going through a rough patch at that time and wasn’t able to really appreciate it. I read it again 3yrs ago and fell in love with it.

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I read it last week. I thought it was a total mess.

Grant Morrison definitely has a range of how Morrison a story can be. For me, you have Arkham Asylum at one end and Final Crisis on the other. And a lot of his DC work floats somewhere in between with varying degrees of Morrisonisms.

I don’t always like Grant Morrison’s writing but I always respect him as a writer and as a higher spiritual being. I’m not a religious man, but if/when Morrison ever starts his own religion I’ll definitely be there.

I do not like Final Crisis. At all. But I respect the crazy amount of thought that Grant put into the book.

But I’ll also say that I generally don’t enjoy the “crisis” storylines. They’re all pretty convoluted and I prefer a more focused and street-level narrative. The only book with “crisis” in the title that I like is Identity Crisis. And I love Identity Crisis.