FFttFF Watch-along

His suit, or his suit?


you’re naked and demanding drugs. How did you think that was going to end?


cause it’s his birthday?

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Everyone knows that kind of thing is only acceptable during the really good raves!


They did a really good job selling the terror and trauma of Jessica’s past.

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It’s a tad fantastical, has a Jason feel to it. They reallly could have used so many other real life trauma backgrounds for her condition. IMO

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is this movie promoting a healthy message? everyone is using drugs to cope

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Batman and Supes are doing okay.

And so is :wonderwoman:


Better living through Drugs, is apparently their new mantra.

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Eh? For Star Boy it is a necessity, but it doesn’t make him any less of a person, and Jessica wants something “easy” to fix her but finds her own way.

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let’s see their medicine cabinets

Well, some folks sure need em to survive their conditions. Bi polar etc. My wife and I were just reflecting that at least for now things like Advil are enough, and how we are going to try to avoid the addictive stuff. At that point, I made a joke about how we’re just bags of chemicals like everyone else, it could be us robbing pharmacies for pain killers…

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I do like how both have overcome their mental health issues to become Super-Heroes, shows even those with problems can accomplish great things.


Why let a guy with a name like “Bloodsport” into the building?


They are opposed to name discrimination in the DCU.

“I’m not doing this with a teenager. …Point taken.” :rofl:


Real unique JLA this time around.

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Yep, just enough big name characters to make it feel official, with some smaller characters to give them the spotlight.

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Great idea, let’s free a super villain team from the future, see what happens.

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You got to imagine that has to be hard to live down if you’re a standard criminal, that you were beaten by Mister Terrific’s balls.

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