February's Official DC Book Club--Static Shock: Rebirth of the Cool!

The final round of questions have been added! :slight_smile:



  1. How do you feel about one of Static’s lines in the opening pages of this first issue: “well, most things seem better in memory than they really were”? Does this resonate with you?

I think it goes both with good and bad. Memory exaggerates a lot for better it for worse.

  1. What are your thoughts on a hero’s responsibility to protect the public vs balancing their personal lives? As an element of many superheroes’ storylines, do you think they owe it to the world to fight evil?

They owe to have that choice. That choice to use or not to use makes better heroes rather than forced to use.

  1. On page 19, Static revisits a memory in which he feels like he should have done more to save someone…how do you think guilt effects not only Static Shock, but other superheroes as well? Do you think it’s a motivating factor?

It can be both. Like any person hero or not guilt can change you for better or worse. So it can motivate but heroes are people and we all deal with it in our own ways.

  1. How important do you think it is for younger superheroes to have world perspective and experience? What do you think is the best piece of advice for a young superhero to hear?

it very important fit then to gain or here those different perspectives to help fit there own. The best advice would do what you think is right I think. Do you. That or enjoy the little things.

  1. In a similar vein as Static’s final line of the issue: If you don’t start none, there won’t be none…what would be your superhero one-liner?

That’s a tough one. Probably knock them out and say “have a nice day” or “this is going to be awesome™:+1:” before hand :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Week 2

  1. How do you feel about the quote at the start of issue #2? “What the hell good does it do anybody to keep hope alive when there’s no hope at all?” Do you think hope ever really dies out?

Hope never dies. There always hope no matter how small so the quote cancels itself out. But if you keep it alive it’s never dead.

  1. On page 15, Static says “I gave it everything I had and all I ever hear from people is what I should’ve done.” Do you think this is a regular occurrence for superheroes or do you think that people are being incredibly harsh on Static?

A mix of both. They’re just trying to help the only way they know how but they don’t realize he’s young and learning and expect to all be figured out which comes out harsh.

  1. All of the heroes in the series have fairly literal names. Iota, Static, Hardware, Iron Butterfly. Would you have named them differently?

No. sometimes the simplest or stupidest names stick. Just look at Batman​:sweat_smile:

  1. Static uses a trash can lid to fly around the city. Which object would you use if you were in his place?

Probably the wane of just any scrap metal. Mayb a surf board and become some kind of silver surfer :wink:

  1. The final page sets up issue #3 to be a crossover with Hardware. Do you think that Static and Hardware are a good duo?

I feel it to be Spiderman Wolverine situation the bickering and grump but are good friends

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Week 3

  1. A theme throughout this series has been the current heroes living up to both their own expectations and the expectations of others. How do you think having a seemingly perfect group like the Tower Family set the standard for superheroes would affect other superheroes who come after them?

It always a comparison with people. They want you to be like the first or the on before and not your own.President and the past is important but living in it you never get a chance to shine on there own

  1. Hardware explains that the Bang Babies received their powers when the Q-Juice they inhaled changed reality to reflect their thoughts. Do you think that knowing this would be hard to hear for characters like Payback, who changed into monstrous forms due to the Big Bang?

Maybe. It depends on how you feel about. Maybe it’s just there challenge to overcome

  1. How do you think Q-Juice would affect you (assuming you survived it), or how would you want it to?

Probably shapeshifting or fire. Want both but shifting seems more reflective.

  1. Before they assault the villains’ lair, Static gives the heroes a pep talk in which he tells them that even though “they’re not the most powerful heroes in the world”, they’re “as good at this as anybody’s ever been”. What do you think this says about what it really means to be a superhero, and that it’s Static giving the talk and not someone older and more experienced like Hardware?

It true a superhero doesn’t have to be the best. Just try there best. As for the age it the future talking. That generation of tomorrow showing they world is in good hands.

  1. Static’s guilt over the death of a fellow superhero led to him retiring, while Tower’s own death has led to him committing horrible acts to make himself stronger. What do you think this says about their characters, and what being a hero really means?

It shows just people deal with stuff differently and sometimes it leads to dark places. As for being a hero it shows a lot. Tower believe as power=hero and static has actions=hero. That’s the difference.

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Week 4

  1. The opening quote from Frederick Douglass states that tyrants only have power as long as those they oppress endure them, which is a sentiment that Static echoes later when speaking to Tower. Do you think this is true just for superheroes, or for everyone?

Everyone. A tyrant rules so there power comes from rule and if those that they rule don’t want to be ruled then the tyrant looses power.

  1. Do you think Static’s attempt to reason with Tower was genuine, or just a ruse to buy time?

Both. Probably a back of the mind that it might work but the main reason to buy time.

  1. Tower tells Virgil that he was only good because it suited his ends. Do you think this is accurate, or was his perspective changed by his death and resurrection and then draining powers from Bang Babies?

Probably perspective. All he’s been through it bound to hurt the kind more than the body. In the end we’re all people.

  1. How many of the heroes in the splash page attack scene did you recognize?

Not many. Practically non. New to milestone with the new issues that came out. Haven’t read the past but this world I’ve been learning about is awesome™:+1: and it great to learn more.

  1. The series concludes with Virgil deciding to be a superhero whenever he’s called, but maybe not full time. Do you think this is a healthier “work/life” balance for him, and shows that he’s moved on from the burden and guilt that caused him to retire earlier?

yeah. He thought being a hero lead to hurt which lead to retirement. But hurt still came and helping did do something. So it seems best for him as that has been a burden on his mind so to find personal balance is good.

Overall I thought these was an awesome™:+1: crossovers focused on static. Series finale vibes but enjoy med it a lot. Got me excited for the milestone movies coming out.