Favorite DC film of 2019 poll

Aquaman? Man, this year has felt like a decade.

Don’t believe them! That’s a 2018 movie!


I’m surprised by how close the results are! Aquaman was good, and Shazam was great but seemed to follow the usual formula. Joker on the other hand was a cinematic masterpiece. It’s very violent and it’s very hard to watch at times bc of that, but it’s such an amazing movie

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Aquaman, for me. It’s a fun action packed adventure movie.

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Batman/TMNT. I was surprised how much I loved that movie


Live Action Film: Shazam!

Animated Film: Batman/TMNT

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This might be me being cynical, but I think there were people in the media that wanted Joker to cause a controversy/tragedy. This was a big movie with a recognizable IP attached to it, and a prior tragedy(the Aurora shooting) had been tied to this character before (even though it was later proved to be bogus). So had Joker sparked something alarmist media outlets would have had a field day with the story.

After having seen the movie, I can’t imagine what kind of terrible thing they expected to happen. The movie’s dark, very dark, but it’s not as uncomfortable or disturbing as people made it out to be. And nothing happened! So now all people can talk about is how the movie is now the most profitable comic book movie of all time and is on track to gross a billion dollars.


Well said!


So true, that’s how I saw it. And nothing thankfully happened.


Joker for me!

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