Favorite Batman Villain


Bumping this up

When done correctly and intelligently, the Riddler.

But, I ainā€™t kicking Harley Quinn out the bed for eating saltines, either. :wink:


Obviously the joker is classic but I really like the riddler when written properly i.e. Hush (also liked war of jokes and riddles) damn its so hard to pick just one Honorable mentions Raā€™s Al Ghul, Bane and Slade Wilson if you count him

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My mind is literally being torn between Bane and Scarecrow so opinions are VERY welcome


I love Bane. I love him because he is Batmanā€™s mental and physical rival.


There are so many awesome choices here! Letā€™s keep this going.

My vote has to go to Scarecrow. I think thereā€™s something fundamentally terrifying about a villain who has the ability to alter your perception. Plus, Over The Edge is definitely in my top five favorite episodes from The New Batman Adventures series.

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I really liked Hush when he was introduced, Mr. Freeze and the Ventriloquist always tugged on my heart. but the Joker will always be the king.


Batman who laughs then Joker.

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I was always a Fan of Anarky until Grant and Breyfogle had zero to nothing to do with himā€¦now heā€™s unrecognizable to me.

I feel like Mr. Freeze is very underrated and can be a very good villain when properly written

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Iā€™d have to vote Poison Ivy, myself! I mean, we share the whole green motif. :herb: For real though, Iā€™ve always enjoyed plants, and watching her progression from my first sight of her in Batman & Robin to now has been fun.

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Harley and Joker as a duo. I love the inner struggle for Batsy with Harley. The want to help her and the knowledge sheā€™s too far gone.

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Harley Quinn then poison ivy

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mr freezeā€¦speaking of why did they remove batman& mr freeze: subzero? :frowning:

I like the joker he is such a perfect villain and is the opposite of Batman the one could not exist without the other


I personally really like the Riddler

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Besides J. Deathstroke.
He could be considered a titans villain though.

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Killer Croc is best villains yet.

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Growing up I would have picked Poison Ivy, but lately Iā€™ve been having a harder time finding an answer. Iā€™m all pooped out on the Joker.

I think I would go with Mr. Freeze. Another childhood favorite of mine, courtesy of BTAS