Episode 5 Post Plus/Minus Review

Good episode, seriously, While with it’s flaws, I can say with ease, that this show has be so consistent in quality, it’s quite admirable… So here’s some of my likes and dislikes…

-Oh boy…a Jane centric episode…

+But wait, she’s a fellow Jersey girl!

+I love that leering eye in the sky, it’s so…Lovecraftian

-Said it last week and I"ll repeat…should have been Constantine…All of the comedy bits just scream Constantine to me.

+Still really like the design of Nuremheim

  • Yes! Alan Tyuduk in the flesh! I really hope, no matter what Alan Tyduck narrates this entire series.

+This show is actually starting to remind me of FX’s Legion…not a bad thing.

-I really hate how Jane only has two emotions…Helpless young girl…or total bitch…

+Buut on the flip side of that, I must admit the actress who plays Jane…damn she does a superb freaking job in her character range of emotions.

+Love seeing Rita not afraid to strike off, following her own moral compass. Plus…she apparently hates Crocs shoes…A woman after my own heart!

-Normally it bothers me, but I like how woebegone Elliot is about himself…

+The idea of Baphomet being manifest of a horse’s head with a French accent is … so right.

+I still love how the Doom Patrol mobile is a school bus

  • I can’t express how much appreciation I have in that each episode, despite it focusing on one character as the ‘main’…we always still get lots of emotion and character moments of the other characters.

+haha, so the savior of the planet, was a brain child of a psych ward…this show has so many clever idea’s, brilliant at times…

+“The only god I worship is Springsteen” Fuck yes this episode is so Jersey!
-Ehh not a fan that everyone who was “dusted” just comes back…sort of takes away from the gravity of it…

+The doctor foiling Jane’s method of suggestion with something as simple as earplugs

-Not convinced Jane would just automatically and so easily trust a random guy in a baseball hat to bring her to a nondisclosed “safe place”…

Some great things here, and honestly a lot of my minus’ are more nit picks than actual big complaints…So…another week, another great episode…

::Sigh:: This was mistakenly posted thrice… yet another reason we need to be able to remove our own posts… I leave it up to the admins to clean up then…

lol good post yeah 3 post shoul be ckeaned up

@HelloThereDude lol yea…and we have to wait months for something that is a pretty common piece of functionality on most forums…