Does anyone prefer Trade Paperbacks to collecting/buying individual Issues?

I have a good selection of both but my library runs more towards the Trades and, well, I’m curious to hear from others. lol



I love both. I took a break from single issues in early 2004 to focus on trades and then eagerly got back into singles in 2005.

Both are alot of fun IMO.


I buy my series as and when but for re-reads or non variant collecting. Trades are the way to go. Have a load of issues slabbed around the office to boot!


@RedHood Best. Office. Ever.


I do both. I usually buy trades of comic that I previously missed and no longer printed or some one recommended


I like the ad free, binge reading of trades, same with digital


I just get mine at radar toys

I still prefer the monthly books. It comes from a 50 year habit of purchasing monthly comics.
My daughter, though, prefers the trades.


Seeing your top shelf reminds me, I sold two of Marvel Essentials collections this weekend since I have the same material on Marvel Unlimited…

So my answer to your question is C: I prefer to have it all digital like a Netflix of the comics

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I’m a trade guy these days mainly because I think they’re way better value for the money. It’s also better to be able to read complete stories in one shot, well depending on which story we’re talking about.


I’ve gone back and forth. Single issues will always be the preferred method of reading comics for me. There’s something timeless about it. But there is something to be said about getting a nice big trade with tons of issues in it.

But you know what I found as a nice middle ground? Comic binding. It’s kind of like having your own trade created.

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I switched over to trades a few months into the New 52. Seems like everything is being written for trades anyway and I’d rather wait and read the entire story at once than have to wait a month between installments. I know they tell us to buy the monthly titles to help sales or whatever, but I’m not paying for the same story twice in monthlies and again in trade. I can wait. Plus, there really hasn’t been a story/title that I thought was so good I couldn’t wait for the collected edition.
With Rebirth, I went to the deluxe edition hardbacks, so I hope those will continue into whatever we’re calling this phase we’re in now…”Post-Rebirth?”
One downside is that I do read the spoilers to issues so by the time I get around to reading stories I usually go in with an idea based on people’s reactions I’ve read.

I don’t prefer it, but I do enjoy collecting TPB’s and GN’s

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I’ve pretty much stopped buying trades except as gifts for non-comic readers. If the comic is something that I want to read as it’s coming out, I get issues every Wednesday from my LCS. If it’s something I’m willing to wait for or if I’m wanting to catch up or binge something, I’ll wait for it to come to DCU or MCU or for Comixology to have a sale. In the rare situation where I’m okay paying full price for a trade, it’s usually digital as I typically decide I want to read it at 11:30 on a Tuesday night and there isn’t a comic shop open at that time.

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Nice collection. I sold all my individual books last year(yes, it hurt), but that’s a great way to still have the important stuff on hand!
You’ve inspired me !!! ( and probably missed off my wife, lol)


I’m too impatient, so I typically buy single issues on comixology. If I like the book enough then I buy trades. The only part about trades that make me prefer single issues is that art gets messed up more often because of the binding. A two page splash will be so off center you can’t even make it out or a speech bubble will get caught right in the inner edge on the page and be lost in the spine.


I prefer trades. I like having a complete arc in hand at this point of my life. I still have single issues of some series. I have all of Countdown and 52, I know for sure. I also have most of Manhunter. Main reason is the cost is currently more budget friendly. This may change after graduation.


I prefer trades as they are easier to store and much more accessible than long boxes. I also prefer hard covers if they are available.

The weird thing for me is I prefer hardback books when it comes to novals, biographies, reference books and such but I prefer paperback trades. I just feel like every hardback trade I buy I’m going to damage it while I’m reading it.

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