Do Thanagarians Lay Eggs?

Well when two Thangarians really love each other. They umm well and then they (makes a wiggly motion with hand). Then 9 months later a stork drops off the baby Thangarian ( an earth stork apparently, I know right kinda weird)

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What if storks are actually Thanagarian shapeshifters in disquise? This would explain why Byth chose Earth in the first place…

This also raises the question whether or not the males have duck-like bits. Don’t look it up if you don’t already know, you can’t get your innocence back.

And do Thanagarians have to go through bird like mating procedures? Like they have to sit in a tree and scream to attract a woman?

Family Feud polled a number of Thanagarian men and women, and…Survey Says: screaming at potential mates is a terrible idea. It gets you a mace or spear to the face (or elsewhere) and justifiably so each party said.

So too do clunker pick-up lines like “Hey bebs, let’s flitter our feathers together. Your nest or mine?”.

Crap like that never works. You just need to be confident, kind and nice. Do that and everything else will smoothly and gracefully unfold like a pair of thick Thanagarian wings ought to.

That makes more sense. Awkwardly yelling from trees puts Katar and Shayera’s relationship a very strange new light.

This might be my all time favorite topic. :nerd_face:

This thread is making me think too hard.

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Take it easy…you don’t want to bramage your dain.

Or to be topical, crack your mental egg.

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Wonder what Shayera looks like when she’s laying her Eggs? Does she incubate them too? She doesn’t seem like the incubating type. Or are Thanagarians similar to Penguins where the males share the incubating load? Things that make you go hmmm


Everyone incubates.

What about all the poor Thanagarians that were incubating during the Rann/Thanagar War?


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They went cross eyed and were spared of knowing just exactly what was going on.

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Even if Thanagarians do … hatch… that would be ok for them.

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Oh good. I was so worried.

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What about Tomar Re? Does his species lay eggs? They’ve got beaks, which would probably be needed for cracking the shell, so…?

And yes, I’ve spent too much time thinking about this. Would it be more useful to have paid attention in school today? Maybe. Do I care? No.


@TornadoSoup I loved the last part of your post. That was my mentality in high school when I had homework I was hesitant to do.

That and “Screw this, I’m watching The New Batman/Superman Adventures now.”


@Vroom it’s all about rationalization really. When I’m finally done with school, I want to be a writer. So technically trying to figure out the biology of fictional bird people from space is more relevant than Algebra anyway. I don’t know how it is, but I’m sure this will help me down the road. Too bad it won’t help with a scholarship, though. If only we lived in the Legion’s time. Alien biology’s probably a class in the 31st century, right?

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Take that Algebra!

I sure hope Alien Biology would be a class in the 31st century. Mork will have to have made contact by then.


Excuse me?!

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