Discussion on Doomsday Clock #10

Hey how is everyone liking Doomsday Clock? Issue 10 was another great one in my opinion. I love how it elaborated on why Dr. Manhattan is messing with the time line and the reveal of how earth prime effects the multiverse. Wow what a sad ending though. Poor Carver Colman and what a crappy mother!


It is good but obviously don’t like to wait 3 months for the next issue to release. I love how dr Manhattan was messing with the timeline for the JSA

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I completely understand, I hate that it is taking forever. The only good way I can look at it is that I would rather give them there time to make a good story them keep up with a release scheduled.
Yes that was awesome how Dr. Manhattan keep messing with the JSA. that panel were he takes the Lantern from Alan Scott " So cold blooded!"

Loved #10 Johns is heating up for a Grand Finale!

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Right I know these last 2 issues are going to be crazy! I wondering if a main character is going to get killed.

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@fansumtheory.16165 If I were a betting man I’d bet on yes.

#10 was a perfect issue.


I’m sure ozymandias will die because he already is but I’m wondering if Dr. Manhattan is going to erase himself out of the timeline. I cant believe Martin Stein is apart of the meta project and that he is responsible for Ronnie becoming firestorm. blew my mind!

He is a scientist and he is intrigued and begins conducting experiments. It doesn’t seem that ludicrous.


@ AquamonC137 I think having Dr. Manhattan die in any fashion would be a cheap way out. Unless the intent would be for him to stay dead period. But us comic fans know that no one stays dead in this medium. I think Geoffs the greatest writer of this, and arguably any generation. I dont think he’s gonna kill off the Doc. Ozy on the other hand… …


Yeah I don’t think Sup’s going to or even could kill the Doc.
@DCComicsCrisis, I’m just spit ballin that maybe he tries to fix things and doing so erases himself as a only solution maybe. No way are they gonna kill Sup’s again. I have full faith in Geoff Johns that it will be spectacular in any case. He is one of my favorite writers and love all his work.


@fansumtheory.16165 Agreed!

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Loved issue 10! Can’t wait to see how the final 2 issues play out!


All Manhattan has to do is move that Lantern back and Superman coming at him will never have happened.


@EricShea The thing is Doc Manhattan isnt a villian. He’s just searching for reason and hope.

Big Blue will show him the way.

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@EricShea, yeah I agree but then what was the point of the story if everything goes back to the way it was. I’m sure Johns has something amazing in store for use. I just cant wait to finish this story. Gosh everything he does is so good and done with a sense of fan service in ways. I loved that 5 part Action Comics Brainiac story he did with Gary Frank. It was one I had not read until this app. So glad they went a Christopher Reeve superman. He will always be my Superman.

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Oh gosh DCComicsCrisis I bet your right! Sup’s gonna help Doc get back in touch with his humanity!

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@fansumtheory.16165 and Geoff’s gonna write it perfectly!

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Preach the good word oh lordy lordy!
In the name of the father, son, and Geoff johns!

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Thanks everyone for joining in, this has been really fun! Hope to chat when 11 and 12 come out :slight_smile:

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