Discussion and Interest Check: DCU RPG Group

@Kelex roll d20

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Hello! I am Kelex. I can assist you with matters like community features and more. To find out everything I can do, say @Kelex display help.

nevermind that didn’t work the way I wanted it to


The command is:

@Kelex roll 1d20

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:game_die: 1

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First roll of a potential new club, and sudden death it is. Wowsers.


Oh, that’s awesome! What software does this community use? I’m wondering if there are docs on how the dice roller works. So to recap, @CrazyQuilt is volunteering to be a GM in a Play-by-Post Mutants and Masterminds game?

Maybe start a new thread (once you’re ready and have recruits).

What are posting expectations? 1-5 posts a day everyday, 2+ posts a day (weekdays only; off on the weekends), etc.?

Very interested in playing. :grinning:


We’re still working out details. We have a couple potential GMs (including me, CrazyQuilt, and Aurora) and some differences of opinion as to how to run things, so I proposed having a few different people run test adventures to get a feel for how this would work. So this is very early planning for the moment.

Glad you’re interested, though!


Maybe one of the Mods can consider opening a new club / forum for this sort of thing? I could see multiple games emerging over time so we need to think about where they should live.

Many sites (like this one https://forum.rpg.net/index.php) have something like this structure:

  • Roleplaying Actual Play (Discussion of potential games and recruiting for new games)
  • Roleplay-By-Post Play Forum (In-character posts for RPG games, each game has their own thread)
  • Roleplay-By-Post Meta Forum (Out-of-character posts for RPG games, each game has their own thread)

Also, I’m happy to be a guinea pig to test things (dice rollers, a sample combat, etc.) even prior to a serious game or campaign.


I did some sleuthing. Looks like the DC Universe Community runs some version of discourse.org forum software. The bot and dice roller support ‘1d20’ notation, but not more complex commands like ‘1d20+12’ (unless they upgrade to use a different bot dice roller).

Not perfect, but should still work fine for Play-by-Post! :slight_smile:

I’ll do my own test to verify.


@Kelex roll 1d20


:game_die: 18

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Figured I’d chime in here- there’s a place to test on Kelex here:

And if you’re interested, we’re starting up a series of dice games to celebrate All Star Games!


As for this comment @JeepersItsTheJamags, games are absolutely permitted here :slight_smile: I think the confusion lies in that I was responding to the request of an official, mod-run game. From that perspective, we are not prepared to strategize and commit to an ongoing game that can be passed from mod-to-mod as our shifts transfer, that also thoughtfully includes an exponential amount of members. I personally think a forum-based RPG would work best in a small group, perhaps even a formal club that can coordinate and schedule thoughtfully.

BUT, it would jazz me to no end if members figured out a way to crack the code! :woman_mage:


FAAASCINATING- definitely want to dig into this. Thanks for the resource! <3


Thanks for weighing in!

My concept (which I pitched in the prior PM conversation but just realized I never raised here) was that since we’ve had more people express interest than could smoothly fit into a single game, the club could serve as a sort of meeting place for groups to form, with details up to any given group.


Well, y’all know how I love clubs… :laughing: Keep in touch! Can be more focused on helping get this up and running next Tuesday, but once you have something fleshed out, happy to support :slight_smile:


Oh, also @stanshinn (and co.), we have a very good relationship with Discourse and could discuss customizations to support what rules you want to establish (within reason. We’d have to have a really clear, well thought out proposal for them to create something flexible). So even if we can’t currently add modifiers like +12, it’s something we could explore would devs. Depending on scope + cost, could take about 1-2 months to implement, just a heads up.