DICK GRAYSON FAN CLUB: Bi-Week #6 - Best Of Series... April 26th - May 9th

What up Wing-Nuts?
Anything good going on in quarantine? … Yeah me neither :joy::joy:. @Nightroia and I decided to do something a little different this time around. Something fun for everybody to be involved in rather than reading: A best of series where everyone gets to determine the best of Dick Grayson. And for new members who may not know that much about our “Hunk Wonder” (Babs’ words not mine :rofl::rofl:) or just people in community who my be interested but may not know where to start - we the DGFC get to decide the definitives.
Dick Grayson’s top moments, one for comics and one for movies and TV, best Dick Grayson series (main character only) for comics, movies and TV, and best costume.

Here’s how it’s going to work and we need everyone to participate. Comment on this thread to nominate something under any of the categories. The top 5 nominations to get the most likes goes into the poll. Sound simple enough? Any questions please message @Nightroia or myself @A1waysAJ.
Let the stan war – I mean nominations begin! :rofl::sob::sob:


Best costume is definitely blue with the finger stripes. I’m a die hard fan of finger stripes.


But if they were to change his costume again, the best would be the lighter/softer blue from BTAS along with that symbol - added finger stripes of course, that mask but make it blue like the Rebirth costume along with the knuckles and soles of his shoes, add the wrist and ankle gauntlets from the Dixon Era, and finally the escrima stick holder on the back like YJ Outsiders. And I think Dick needs a new haircut, he’s been rocking with this one since the 90s. At least give the man a fade and keep it long on the top.


I liked the striped costume as well.

I think Grayson is a great book for starters to read in a way because it really shows his past but also shows how great a person he is. I may be in the minority here with that.


I was gonna nominate Grayson for best series.


The categories are as follows:
Top Moment In Comics
Top Moment In Movies & TV
Best Costume
Best Series
We thought about doing best writer and artist but figured they went with costume and series.

Okay so I said in another post that I’m a sucker for Dick’s circus past so Top Moment in Movies and TV would be Performance from Season 1 of Young Justice, where they go to Haly’s Circus to clear its name. Good angsty moments.

Best Series would have to be probably New Teen Titans. I mean, you have his transition from Robin to Nightwing in it.

Top Moment in Comics? Probably him becoming Batman.

And you already know which costume I love the best.


Oh yeah Performance is one of my favorite episodes of YJ!!!


Top moment in comics: Nightwing vol 2 issue 3 of Chuck Dixon’s run, that falling trailer cache.

Top moment in movies & TV: Performance from season 1 of YJ. I wanna choose something from season 3 but I couldn’t choose.

Best series: Grayson by Tim Seeley. He just really seems to understand the character. The art and quality was sleek, sexy, and most importantly CONSISTENT. Every story was entertaining. I just wish that feeling carried over when he went back to Nightwing with Rebirth.

Best costume: it’s a toss up between BTAS and the finger stripes from Chuck Dixon era.


Top moment in Comics: Grayson when the girls chase him across the rooftops and the grounds of the school. It totally shows what type of person Dick Grayson is. He just is fun!

Top moment in Movies and TV: I honestly liked the campiness of the Batman 66 show. It is my first real memory of the character. I used to watch it all the time growing up. I think it just is a great memory of him as Robin.

Best Series: Grayson!!! They had a great understanding of the character and the art was amazing. I liked how he always had a smile on his face. He loved what he did.

Best Costume: Classic Robin costume honestly. It was bright colors and always struck a chord with me. Later, as I read more about it, the idea that it was done to distract villains and gunfire towards him. I was horrified later in life.


Thank you so much for your contribution and yes I completely agree! Grayson was great!

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No problem! I had it all written out in my head, but I totally let it get away from me. I put a reminder in my calendar so I wouldn’t forgot it.


I really need to watch more of the 66 show. I have the DVDs, but I’m always watching on netflix or youtube so I forget that I have those DVDs.

I also really need to read Grayson.

And who doesn’t love those scaley shorts and pixie boots!

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YOU HAVEN’T READ GRAYSON??? Yeah you should definitely read that. It has honestly been Dick’s best run since New 52 started and his best without the Nightwing costume.


I know. I know. I’ve been stuck on Convergence for a really long time (finally finished though!). Now, I’m working on Dark Nights Metal. After, I’m gonna work on finishing New 52 Nightwing before reading Grayson.

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