Den Of Geek Reporting: Margot Robbie Wants A Live Action Harley/Ivy Pair Up

Our corner of the internet is unique because we identify with a very specific value set and are honored to uphold those values. You can read more about this here:

The company who runs this community and the individuals who oversee it are proud and vocal about standing by the LGBTQIA+ community and their daily celebrations and struggles without judgement or rebuke.

You can read more about WarnerMedia’s stance on representation here. :point_left:t3:

If you are participating in the DC Community, you are participating in a Pro-LGBTQIA+ community.

Next month, June 2021, we will be celebrating PRIDE month. We will be posting daily conversations about the queer experience all month long, and doing so with the foundational belief that the biology and choices of each lifestyle are valid and worthy of celebration. This will include the understanding that Harley and Ivy are in a relationship. The understanding that humans (and human-y, fictional characters) are capable of self-discovery and change.

We seek to evolve these conversations to a new level of compassion, equality, and inclusion. To deepen our exploration of these experiences and challenges, we will need to work from the basic agreement that all people are created equal, deserving of dignity and respect.

This is why, moving forward, we will continue to stand by the following remark noted in the topic referenced above:

Please also bear in mind that we will be removing off-topic remarks, which include conversations on both sides regarding assumptions about the talent involved.

To that end: We have decided to re-open this topic to allow those who seek to celebrate the very cool, and very sexy relationship, canonical relationship between Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn a place to share their excitement and hopes for the future!