DCU Inktober 2019 Thread

“Super” late but man I’m so jealous of all of u. I can’t draw at all, & I think that’s why I love it so much, if that makes any sense?


Thanks, @dago-mage! We welcomed all levels. :slight_smile: Feel free to join in with stick figures or whatever next year if you’d like!


Right on. I envy art, it blows my mind what people can accomplish. Thank u for the invite. I just saw the thread, but I still got to see the whole thread lol. Beautiful.


I just watched a series on Netflix called Civilizations. It starts at the earliest known examples of art & cascades to the present. It’s kind of a weird name b/c it is 100% about the history of art. It was so cool & very educational. Blew my mind that humans could create such complex, tangible drawings, sculptures even tools. Especially, with the limited materials they had available to use. The imagination is a beautiful thing.


@dago-mage I’m definitely going to check that out! I think one of the most amazing things about humans is our ability to create and appreciate art.


It truly does set us apart from all other species. It’s crazy what people during certain political, religious climates had to endure, or keep secret at different times throughout history. Sometimes it was as simple as if u created art u could be killed. Other times u could draw only who, what, where etc. your country allowed u to draw. Surprising how the urge to create was so strong u would face death itself, just to keep that freedom of expression.


Even crazier when you consider that that same kind of oppression continues even today!

Right? It always breaks my heart when I hear about schools removing their art programs and such because of budget cuts; sure, kids can continue to do art outside of the classroom, but it’s an insult to the value that the arts carry.


You’re right. Makes u wonder how many kids might’ve had a career if they were just exposed to it?


@dago-mage I’ll never forget working at this one tiny school that was predominantly for orphans/kids from troubled families. There was a boy around 13/14 who, and I do not exaggerate, had Jim Lee-level talent. He didn’t even need to look at a reference of any kind. He could whip out the most dynamic scenes within the span of a class, and the teachers could not give less of a damn. (Or, he got scolded, because a lot of his art was pencilled onto his desk. If you saw how good it was, you’d want to cry when they made him wash it away.)

A lot of the students were behind in terms of language and other basic skill sets, so I can understand why the curriculum was focused on a more everyday education, but the fact that his talent wasn’t acknowledged never failed to blow my mind. This wasn’t a case of, “Oh, nice, you’re good for your age!” He drew better than stuff I see regularly printed on DC/Marvel pages. I always think of him when I see kids drawing. I hope he somehow had the chance to explore a career in the arts, but I worry he never even thought himself worthy of the effort.


That’s incredible about his talent, which I completely believe u about. Equally incredible that a school would do that & be so blind they would actually discourage it. Sad :disappointed:. My sister teaches underprivileged kids & I’d be as shocked as u if I had to witness that. I’ll send some good karma out that somebody recognizes his talent & encourages him.


@dago-mage That’s very kind of you! My fingers are also crossed that he gets discovered someday, or finds something that he’s equally passionate about. Sending good karma your sister’s way, too! That’s a hard and undervalued job, but I’ve got endless admiration for good teachers!


Thank u so much & you’re absolutely welcome. I’m 100% with u on teachers being undervalued. My Dads a retired teacher & my sister is currently a teacher. My sister will love to know good karma is on its way. Thanks for all the kind words, I’ll try to jump in on inktober next yr. Definitely look forward to talking to u on here as much as u want to. I get lost in comics for days, but I promise I will respond to u as soon as I see it. I was so used to the old format on here, this is way better. I just never use tech or social media, so I’m learning this format as I go. Thanks for the info btw. I’d never have known inktober was a thing, thanks for sharing that ,& your art is absolutely sick. I could mesmerize myself staring at it. Jealous in the best way possible, it’s more “man I wish I could do that so bad”, then it is envy or whatever label fits. Fair warning, I write super long posts haha. I fully realize I’m doing it now, it’s a bad habit but I’ve been way better. Promise I’ll do my best to keep it concise from here on.

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Hey, no worries about long posts! I’ve got a habit of rambling on far past anyone’s interest.

And no worries about late replies! As this post shows, it sometimes takes me a bit to see things, too. I’m also not on social media much, and haven’t been in this community for as long as some, but it’s a really nice group of fans overall, so I hope you can stop by to chat about your favorite comics and stuff more often.

We’ve got a lot of fun events for artists and non artists, too, so you’ll find a niche. And hey, if you ever wanted to try your hand at drawing, this is a great place to learn! I know I’ve picked up drawing tips and better habits since looking at everyone’s work on here (ty for the compliments, btw! I’ve got a lot to learn, but they’re encouraging to hear).

See. Now Im writing a long post. :sweat_smile: But yeah. Happy to chat any time, and sending lots of good vibes you and your family’s way for 2020.


Dig it. Thanks for sharing, can’t imagine critiquing art tho. Look at & if I like it, then it’s good or great etc. I know nothing but looked great to me.


@dago-mage haha fair enough! I know the artists on here will be glad for your support anyway :slight_smile:


I conveyed my message wrong. I meant that I think it’s all great. I just couldn’t critique because idk anything about it. I was just responding to when u invited me to critique it. On rereading it I see where I worded it wrong. It’s all great & I love viewing all of it. I thank u again for bringing inktober to my attention. If I could draw like that, it’s probably all I’d ever do.


This place is still active? :rofl:

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I was perusing & just saw it. My bad, just wanted to pay some compliments. Sorry for false alarm.


Hey, it’s October somewhere


Ahh, I gotcha, @dago-mage! And no need to apologize for resurrecting old threads. It happens around here constantly, and since the community has grown a LOT since 2.0, it gives newcomers a chance to jump into conversations and events they missed.