DCU Book Club-Girl Power! Week 53: Special Guest🌟 Sam Humphries! Harley Quinn (2016-) #45-49

Hey DanTheManOne1 one one one!

– You came onto Harley Quinn as an existing title following the runs of both Conner and Palmiotti and Tieri’s run on the title. While that used to be a common practice it is not as common these days for a writer to come onto an existing title multiple writing teams have already had a run on before you.
What kind of challenges does it include to jump onto an existing title like that vs starting at the beginning of a title like you did with Dial H For Hero.

On my first two “Big Two” ongoing series, I followed Hickman on Ultimates and Remender on Uncanny X-Force, so I no longer feel fear. :slight_smile: It’s just part of the game on shared universe superhero characters. Even on Dial H I am standing on the shoulders of at least FOUR iterations of that concept that came before us. Also Amanda and Jimmy have been super nice and generous. They’ve been around long enough that it’s happened to them too.

– Jonni DC has got to be one of the stran gest and more obscure characters to be brought back in recent years. What made you decide to bring her back?

I love love love Ambush Bug and I always thought there was a lot of potential in her character. :black_heart::diamonds:


Hello THRICE to msgtv!

– Why is the combo of Harley and Enya so darn funny?

Harley is a really intense person which makes her a natural stan AND someone who wouldn’t care if she stanned someone popular or not. :black_heart::diamonds:


SUP Lecouch84!

First of all thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer some of our questions Sam Humphries. I really took pleasure in reading these comics. I have only three questions for you.
–My first question to you is what is the hardest and easiest part about writing for Harley Quinn?

Thank you thank you ALL for taking the time to ASK me questions! The hardest part is either the sad parts or the funny parts. The easiest part is making them work together.

–How do you come up with some of the more comical moments?

I prefer humor that is character based – jokes or bits that are only funny when one particular character says them, because it comes out of their personality or point of view. The humor is richer and more emotional than a simple setup/punchline. The funniest line in all of cinema history is at the end of the Philadelphia Story, the line that the little girl says.

–If you could put Harley with any character in the DCU that you haven’t written for yet who would it be?

I have a great answer for this that NO ONE could gu ess and I’m keeping it a secret because it is gonna happen soon. When you see it, you’ll know it. [devil emoji] :black_heart::diamonds:


AHOY michaellamm666!
– Loved the these two issue stories. I thoroughly enjoyed Hammer Harleen. How did your creative team come up with the hammer and armor designs?

That was all John Timms, but of course he took his inspiration from the brilliant, legendary, immortal Jack Kirby.

–How do you decide how much fourth wall breaking to do?

I kind of feel it out. It’s like spice in a soup, a little bit goes a long way, but too much spoils the broth.

–I really enjoyed the interaction between Petite Tina and Harley.

Thank you! I love Tina.

–Any plans to have Harley battle Darkseid in the future? That would be a fun series. Harley vs Darkseid: The Battle for the Fate of the Multiverse!

No plans, Darkseid is too popular. :black_heart::diamonds:


Applejack just asked me what the line in the Philadelphia Story is AS IF I’M JUST GOING TO SAY IT OUT LOUD AND SPOIL IT FOR HER




I’ve been put in my place. It’s a cold place.


YO Jay_Kay

– With Harley involved, I can’t help but picture a battle between her and Darkseid being a fashion show about who can rock the skirt/hoodie combo the best.

I will do this if Rupaul or Michele Visage co-writes it with me.


HEY Nathan.Payson!
–Why start your run with Apolkolips? What pressure is there with the initial arc?

DC asked me to bring Harley closer to the core of what makes the DC Universe a special place, and there’s no place more special than Apokolips!!! Great for family vacations!!!

–Also, where do you get you goofy sense of humor?

Almost certainly a gift from my many amazing hilarious friends over the years who are way more funny than I am. If you wanna be funny, you gotta spar with the best. :slight_smile: :black_heart::diamonds:


Someone get that to Dan Didio right now! RuPaul’s Drag Race meets Harley Quinn the mini-series! Sounds like a classic in the works.


Hey MattMcDonald!!

– Thanks for doing this! What’s been the hardest scene to write since you started work on Harley?

Not to be a shill, but it’s definitely in Harley issue 66, which comes out early October. You’ll know it when you see it. :black_heart::diamonds:



This is so cool! - Actually, “cool” is an understatement. I don’t know what word to use to describe this awesomeness! Thank you for your fun answers and background stories!

The burger stand and Granny’s bedroom were my favorite parts of the Apokolips arc - and that’s saying a lot because I loved ALL of it!

Lord Death Man is hilarious!

The scene of Petite Tina in the trash can was a masterful mix of sad and funny. I love Petite Tina so much!



I think you guys just broke the internet again


Sam have you picked out your Halloween costume for this year yet?


GANG unfortunately my time is up and I gotta go! Next up for me is wardrobe, then hair and make up, and then I’m shooting my first segment of the day, wish me luck!

Thanks SO to JLWWSM and MattMcDonald for running this and thanks as always to Applejack for facilitating this. I loved your questions! And THANK YOU for being such an awesome community here on DC Universe. All of us on DC Daily don’t always get time to participate but we love all the love that you show here for DC and each other. This IS a special place!!!

You all are gracious hosts. Thank you for the invite. Let’s do it again soon. :black_heart::diamonds:


CURSE YOU, HUMPHRIES! Your general carefree attitude and status as a really nice guy won’t save you forever! I’ll get you next time!!!


Thanks for answering our questions! @samhumphries, you made my entire day! All of it!



We’d love to have you back - thank you!! Have a great day of filming :slight_smile:


Thanks for answering all our questions hopefully you can do it again sometime.


Thank you so much, @samhumphries, and thank you all for the excellent questions!! We might just have been charming enough to get him back for a round of Green Lantern answers…
Feel free to return to the discussion questions above, and see you all next time!