DC vs Marvel

Huh! I definitely like DC more but you didn’t like Endgame! I actually loved it!
But there are no wrong answers to an opinion.


I got into Marvel first with Spider-Man 2099 after I saw an episode of Ultimate Spider-Man that took place in the future. I then saw the Logan movie and started reading Old Man Logan comics. The Logan movie was amazing to me considering that it was the first R rated movie that I had ever seen so it was a memorable experience. I then started watching the DC animated movies and fell in love with the character Damian. I really wanted to be him. I then watched Teen Titans the Judas Contract and really wanted to be Nightwing. I started reading the Rebirth Teen Titans but got confused because I had skipped the Lazarus Contract. This was all before I had got this app. I then read the Nightwing Rebirth comics and they were awesome (until this Ric crap).
I then got this app and I have been Loyal to DC since. I get mad at some Marvel fanboys that act like they know everything because they’ve seen every MCU movie and have watched a couple lore videos on YouTube. Every kid I know thinks that Thanos is the best and strongest character ever and that DC sucks, but they don’t know anything about it. That’s what angers me. Insulting something you know nothing about. Sorry for all of that. I wrote way more than I meant to.


I also get mad at some people who think they know everything about Marvel. Marvel was very much my first foray into comics. That is why I have such strong feelings. I don’t know enough about DC, but most of my recent reading has been DC related titles. I’m still learning about the Anti-life equation, the mother and father boxes, Gemworld and other things. I hate it when people say they are Marvel fans, but they can’t say their favorite comic “book” but only their favorite comic “movie”. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but still.


Hey everyone! As this does not seem to be Fan Art (at least, it is not created by the OP or a celebration of a specific artist by OP) this topic is being moved to Everything DC. Thanks!


Oh DC for sure! It’s a bit tough lovingly DC though. My friend group are all Marvel fans and none of them wanted to go to the theater to watch Harley Quinn: Birds Of Prey with me, I ended up going alone, which isn’t as fun. I do recommend going to see Harley Quinn: Birds Of Prey, it’s amazing!


I don’t care one bit about Marvel or DC. It’s all about the Writers and artists and other talent.

There’s no reason to be loyal to a huge corporation. Their shareholders are doing fine regardless. It’s like being loyal to Coca Cola or only shopping at Walmart.

Not that there’s anything wrong with a coke and a smile. Or buying groceries, yarn, and a lawnmower in the same store. But the people who control the companies are probably mostly soulless, godless, rich people who just want to keep taking your money.

I love Marvel comics! Especially the Punisher!


Punisher is pretty good.

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Hey @Batmanlives1939, I’m hoping your thoughts on why you think DC is better than Marvel would be better suited in this thread :slight_smile:

Maybe you’ll meet some more likeminded people :heart:


You forgot the most important one, Harley and Ivy Are DC.


You also forgot… Teen Titans is a DC team :heart_eyes:




A big one for me is that DC has had historically better comics than marvel. Alan Moore’s swamp thing, watchmen, Morrison’s animal man, kingdom come, all star Superman, killing joke, Sandman, etc. marvel doesn’t have anything that I would really call groundbreaking besides maybe something like kravens last hunt or born again.


I’d also throw in the Busiek/Ross “Marvels” series. It’s the only Marvel comic where I think, “Man, I wish DC had thought of that.”


MiracleMan (I know it wasn’t originally theirs, but they own it now and it paved the way for Watchmen).

Gaiman telling the story here (I think I could listen to Neil read the phonebook).


We’re missing the big picture here!

DC has Superman. Case closed.


Let em have their fun- you don’t need to end the thread so early :wink: :superman:


:rofl: right, right, uh how can he ever compete with the GOD of thUndeR? :woman_shrugging:t2:

you still got it in the bag Supes


First: I totally agree with @c-m-woodworks.91222 regarding being more loyal to creators that companies.

Second: In my opinion Marvel changed the superhero comics world by adding more realistic characterization that is the basis for today’s comics. It is hard to pinpoint specific “groundbreaking events” like Watchmen or All-Star Superman as the “groundbreaking events” took place in “normal continuity” like Batman: Year One in Batman 404-407. Also, “groundbreaking” can be interpreted in different ways.

Black Panther

First Black (African not American) Superhero Fantastic Four 52 1966

First Black member of a major superhero team, The Avengers Avengers 52 1968


First Anti-drug Story (printed without the Comics Code Authority Seal) Amazing Spider-Man 96-98 1970 predating GL/GA 85-86 1971

From the article above:

DC Comics was actually more pissed than anyone else, as Carmine Infantino (DC’s Executive Editor) was waiting for the new Code to go into effect so that DC could do their OWN anti-drugs story, and they were irked that Marvel just went out and did theirs without Code approval. DC’s came out later in 1971, with Green Arrow dealing with his sidekick, Speedy, becoming addicted to heroin…

Iron Man

Demon in a Bottle Saga a story of Alcoholism Iron Man 120-128 1979

Everything Else - Sturgeon’s Law

”90% of Everything is Crap” - Theodore Sturgeon

What are the great stories/runs that are the 10% that you love? Keeping with Marvel by creators:

Fantastic Four - There are four great runs over their 60 year history and even those have clunker issues/arcs along the way. Early FF is truly a slog to read through but gets great about 30 issues in.

Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
John Byrne
Mark Waid & Mike Wieringo
Johnathon Hickman & Company

Was all of Batman’s 82 year history truly great? Not really. Were there great creators like Finger, O’Neil, Adams, Aparo, Miller, and others who contributed great ideas and stories? For sure! Are there modern masters that people love or despise? Sure! Scott Snyder or Tom King? I think they both did good and not so good work with the Dark Knight and I’m sure there are fans who love them and hate them.

Creators Forever!

Companies, not so much. :grinning:


Sorry about that. Wasn’t expecting it to blow up like it did


Eh I like both for different reasons. Both have many stellar characters and history. Marvel has been exceedingly better at live action adaptions while DC has consistently been better with animation (considering Marvel doesn’t have an animation department). Marvel understands their characters and has done a relatively good job at making new stories while staying true to their characters whereas DC seems to dislike any character that isn’t Batman or the trinity but mostly Batman and is always trying to change them, make them dArK, gRiTtY, and eDgEy :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: instead of portraying them truthfully. But hey, it’s the Nolan effect - Batman sells so let’s make every character like Batman and push Batman to the extreme to contrast them.

In laments terms if we’re talking about as a company, management, editorial, etc. Marvel wins hands down. But if we’re talking characters DC hangs onto the most iconic ones by it’s fingertips strictly because of Batman. It’s sad really.

In truth the only things DC had that Marvel didn’t was that their universe is centered around both legacy and the Multiverse (which they seemed to have forgotten as they always ■■■■ it up, but that’s neither here nor there even though it really is here isn’t it) and Marvel is just now starting to get into that stuff both in comics and film. On top of being inclusive and diverse while DC still struggles with it as they can’t find the time to give a ■■■■ or space to utilize the diverse characters they have before drastically changing other characters as a PR stunt to save their asses, if Marvel can successfully pull off the Multiverse and legacy I think there’s gonna be a new sheriff in town. DC has been chasing this tail for awhile and they need to do better. FAST. It’s time for DC to step up or step out of the way cuz they’ve been falling slowly since 2011 with New 52 and nothing has really changed. Small temporary “fixes” that don’t last cuz they only service them at the short term moment and when none of it no longer serves them at that moment they relaunch once again with more band aids to their problems.

We’ve had a relaunch just about every 5 years now and it looks like the movies and animation is headed into the same direction. Though the recent animated movies that could POSSIBLY (not confirmed yet) be a new universe: Man of Tomorrow, Justice Society WW2, and Long Halloween have all been really good. Maybe just MAYBE they’ll do something right this time if they pull their heads out of their asses and stop focusing on all these spin off, what if, alternate timeline, etc BS and actually confirm and build the universe, but sadly their attention spans seems to be that of an attention seeking child longing to be an adult. Where on the other side we’ve had constant world building for over 10 years that still continues. And here’s DC frantically waving it’s arms desperately crying out for attention like “Hey over here look at me I’m all dark, mysterious, and jaded like a grown up!” Like a pick me head ass lil ■■■■■ :joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: So I guess the real question is do you prefer actual storytelling and characterization or plot points for shock value?

… Wow I really sat down and wrote a whole ass essay huh? Damn I’m so harsh I could be a critic :thinking::thinking: Oh well I SAID WHAT I SAID