DC Universe All-Star Games S1, E2 Reaction Thread - 🚨 WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD 🚨

Episode 2 was full of drama, excitement, intrigue, and…annoying characters? Well, yeah, but it also held so many more clues! And, of course, we were left with another cliffhanger where Xavier discovers who he REALLY is!

If you haven’t watched episode 2 yet, make sure you do then come back here and let us know what you thought!


Anyone thinking the question the superhero


Another fun episode liked the fight scene between the players and the rest of the Waistoids looking forward to seeing the next episode


Im thinking carl might be the calculator

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Man it is so much fun seeing this story unfold with all the crazy things that are happening. From the side characters the main characters have to interact (Licks was definitely something this round and nice they have a cool janitor ha ha ha) with and the added pressure with each role and repercussions when they don’t make the roll is great! Definitely like the mystery they are also uncovering now that The Joker, and The Question have been name dropped. Can’t also wait till each of them reveal who they really are! :sunglasses: :grinning:

Edit: After reading some of the other posts about the janitor it makes sense that he’s so cool if he turns out to be Martian Manhunter! Nice catch all on his fear for fire! :handshake:


I’m actually wondering if maybe since they are all in high school if all of their characters might actually be… Teen Titans? :thinking: Will be fun finding out either way! :grin:


I think the Janitor is Martian the Manhunter, cause of his fear of fire!


The janitor has got to be a martian… picked it up right away with the fear of fire!


Claire’s Catwoman. You can tell now. I just can’t figure out who the wrestler guy is. Freddy is the best part of this show along with Sam. They are so funny together!


I’m having a blast watching this crazy story play out. I was the GM back in the day playing games of my own design. I never knew about this game. Sam is a great GM. It is so enjoyable watching each of the players getting so deeply into their characters, and having so much fun at it. I really didn’t think this show would be this good, but I can’t wait for the next episode.


Really liking this show. I have seen how good RPG shows can be at telling a good story with the right players and GM, and glad to see this one is doing that.

Katie has got to be Catwoman, I thought it seemed to obvious at first. But the Bullwhip and the thievery, I mean unless it is a real obscure character from the time it would have to be Catwoman now. Although I never visualized Catwoman as looking young enough to pass as a high school student.

No idea who Tommy is, Theif and Stealth skills are high and he is a a “hood” but that could translate to dozens of people. He was definitely taken back and excited by who Sam revealed his is though, so guessing it’s a big name.

Seems the other two characters are hiding a secret but not sure what theirs would be. Carl has a science skill which is clearly a clue, but that could be a lot of people. Someone suggested the Calculator, but at the time this game was made and the story is set Calculator was not the cyber hacker he is now. Granted, doesn’t mean they wouldn’t do it anyway, but does make me think it is someone else.

Dina I also am stumped, the acrobatics and it apparently being someone who is a teenager of can pass as a teenager made me think Batgirl, but wouldn’t she recognize Catwoman if that is who Katie is? And being the most popular girl at school and having a boyfriend, how deep under cover would she be? So don’t think is that, although could fit the setting.
Definitely looking forward to next episode. I also thought of the Question when he said the question is ready. But would be be assuming the identity of Dean Finger or something? I don’t know. I honestly try not to deep dive into this stuff too much, because it can make you latch onto a theory so hard you are disappointing if it turns out to not be true not matter how good and logical the actual outcome ends up being. But it all does have me wondering.

Oh and the Janitor, definitely thought Martian Manhunter. Although that would imply the JLA is investigating.


I’ve never played an RPG but I find this show ridiculously entertaining.


No one has brought up the muddy footprint in Dean Finger’s office. Episode 1 we noticed that Brooke, one of Dina’s friends, had mud on her shoes.
Sort of suggests to me she was in there recently.

I’m liking some of the theories so far. I never thought maybe the kids are Titans in disguise.

For all we know, Tommy is the escaped Joker, with Harley (Katie), Selina (Dina), and … I have no idea who Carl might be in this scenario. The problem with both ideas is, why do they not know each other as anything except the cover stories?


Consider, this is set in 1984. Selina Kyle looked a lot younger back then, even considering comic-book time.


Tommy being the escaped Joker would be a stretch. I know The Joker was a bit more “normal” in that, but normal enough to be acting like a high school thug? I don’t see it.

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Carla grant is catwoman

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Xavier should be lobo “the main man”


Never thought I’d enjoy people playing a role playing game like this. Very good. Still wish it was a shorter season with hour long episodes or came out twice a week. But I’ll manage.

On a side not the voice message said send your stinger after the girls parents don’t worry about Thomas and Martha. Which makes me think this is before batman. Maybe they agaed up some of the characters. Pretty sure it’s not about the teen titans. Because of timing issues.
Xavier could be a young Gordon undercover. Which this would explain why the cop might want to talk in private. Or he drove fast past the cop to tell him what’s going on.
But as for the other two. Possible wonderman and the guy could be the riddler? But I’m no to sure on the riddler part.


Game came during time of crisis of inifite earths so might shorten or extend the list of heroes


Probably far-fetched but I’m thinking Tommy is Clayface. Being able to shape shift would explain his high stealth and intimidation stats.