DC TV and Movie Club-Constantine (2005) Discussion

One of the best and often overlooked corner of the DC Universe are the more mystical elements and characters. Not only does Constantine portray it beautifully with a blend of magic and horror, but it also showed that you can make non-superhero comic book movies and rated R comic book movies.

After you watch Constantine, come back and discuss below and feel free to use the following questions:
-What was your favorite line/moment?
-Who was your favorite character?
-What did you think of this version of Constantine?
-Most importantly: Do you think Constantine needs to be british or have the accent?

Enjoy the movie and discuss below!


Most important question first. Constantine, like the Doctor, must be a Brit. It’s just not the same if he isn’t. Having said that, taken as its own thing I was surprised about how effective I thought this movie was did a good job establishing this Constantine as a damned, reluctant protector of Earth from demons. Reeves is hit or miss for me as an actor, but again here I thought he did a good job. Better than Shia Labouf he just disappears in the movie. As for favorite character, I’m convinced Tilda Swindon is other-worldly or magic or something. And she can act. I really buy her in this role.

  • Every-time the demons showed up… I love how the movie showed demons always lurking around and people needing to fight them and banish them back to hell.

  • Gabriel. Tilda Swinton is phenomenal.

  • I’m a fan of Keanu Reeves, and I like this movie a lot. I’d like to see a movie version of Constantine that is closer to the comic and includes some of his mystical friends, like Zatanna. In the comics, Constantine is witty, constantly scheming, overly confident, and a bit of a jerk - with a soft heart hidden behind his tough personality. Matt Ryan is my favorite portrayal of Constantine so far. Having said that, I still really love this movie!

  • Does he have to be British or have a British accent? - No. But I’d like to a movie where he is.

Special mention: The actor who played Lucifer was amazing!


I agree. I think the acting in this movie was phenomenal.


-What was your favorite line/moment?

Honestly, the after credits scene. I had seen the movie before like 3 times and never knew about the after credits scene. It wasn’t until it came to DC Universe last year, I let the credits roll while I was reading a comic or something and it just popped up! It gave me some good closure for Shia’s character, while also making me question a few things.

-Who was your favorite character?

I mean, I always love Rachel Weisz. There’s something about her as an actor that always draws me in, but this is Constantine’s movie through and through. He was definitely my favorite.

-What did you think of this version of Constantine?

I really liked him. I’ve experienced plenty adaptations of DC characters not being as they are in the comics that I’ve come to accept it. I felt this depiction still captured the spirit of Constantine (especially in an Elseworlds type of way). I also didn’t feel like it was disrespectful to the comic version like some DC adaptations have been.

-Most importantly: Do you think Constantine needs to be british or have the accent?

If you’re trying to introduce him to a mainstream audience, I would say yes. I would say yes just because you should respect what his creator did and why he did it. If it was a later adaptation, no. A lot of his personality comes from being British, but the essence of the character can be shown without his being British or having an accent.


I think she was great in this role. As a strong, independent female character, she was great. Yes this was a Constantine film, and he comes to save the day in the end, but I didn’t feel like she was ever a damsel in distress.

She was bullish, and strong headed and didn’t take no for an answer. She may have put of depths in the mystical world, but wasn’t weak or dependent on Constantine to define her character in any way.


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