DC should give Danny the Street their own show !

The character Danny the gender queer street deserves their own live action show ! There is just so much more to add to their story. Like where did Danny come from ? How long has Danny existed ? Who are the people who live there ? How did they encounter Danny ? It could be such a great story to tell…
Who’s with me ?

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I don’t know if this post is ironic or not but either way I’m down.

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I’d watch it.

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If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Repeat.

We could get to know a lot of the Dannyzens! They could follow a core group of people that welcome newcomers or we could just follow one person per arc. Some would leave and more would come. It could be a new cast every season. I’d watch it as long as it had the quality of the Doom Patrol episodes.


Let me be perfectly clear. This thread is totally serious and in no way meant to be ironic. I want to meet the rest of the Dannyzens ! Was Danny ever human ? So much more to tell.

I think it wouldn’t be their smartest idea. They need to make or revive a show that everyone will watch, not just a smaller demographic. We have Batwoman coming up which is basically serving the same audience :slight_smile:

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That sounds like a good idea you could focus on different people each episode and why they came to danny id totally watch it

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I like the idea. An anthology series about the residents sounds cool to me. I don’t think of Danny as a refuge just for the LGBTQ community, l bet you could find a lot of different stories there. Not that LGBTQ stories aren’t also important.