DC Pride | Supergirl S4E11 6/24 @ 5PM PDT/8PM EDT

dreamer sg

:blue_heart: :heartpulse: :white_heart: :heartpulse: :blue_heart:

Join DC Pride in watching Nia Nal, Dreamer, in Supergirl!

:blue_heart: :heartpulse: :white_heart: :heartpulse: :blue_heart:

For those who have joined a Watch-Along before, you know the drill. For those who haven’t joined a Watch-Along before, read on to learn more.

:white_check_mark:THE DEETS​:white_check_mark:

Who: You!

What: Supergirl Season 4, Episode 11 - 'Blood Memory"

Where: Right here on the forums! In this thread! In the comments below! Maybe on your phone! But also, you’ll be watching Supergirl on another screen to make it easier. You’ll also need your own copy of the episode or stream it on Netflix. So there, too.

When: Wednesday, June 24th @ 5pm PDT/8pm EDT.

Why: Because the community that geeks out together, stays together.

How: Great question- read below!


:point_down:RULES OF THE ROAD​:point_down:

  1. CAN’T WIN IF YOU DON’T PLAY – You must have a subscription to Netflix (or own a copy of the episode) to access Supergirl.
  2. DUAL-WIELDING – Watch-Alongs are best experienced on two devices; Your phone for comments, and your big screen for viewing.
  3. 2, 1 LET’S JAM – Have your clicking finger on the “play” button and ready for action- we’ll be starting at the strike of the hour.
  4. A WRINKLE IN TIME – If you get lost in the time, you can calculate where the audience is by checking the minute- For example, if it’s 5:15pm PDT, then we are 15 minutes into the show.

:rainbow: Let’s watch Supergirl :rainbow:

Questions or concerns? Reach out @Nu52 :inbox_tray:

Click HERE to get a cool flair and join the club

Watch and track #dc-pride to keep up to date with all club events


“Reality Bytes” is probably the single best LGBT+ episode of superhero television ever. Plans on watching it?

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I haven’t watched season 5 all the way through yet so I didn’t know about “Reality Bytes”, but I’d gladly catch up on season 5 to watch it! What days are you able to do WALs?

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I’ll be off Thursday then the following Tuesday, but I never know for sure my availability.

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Oh I wish I could join, I love Nia. But I rarely am able to for WALs and I feel like I’m really missing out on a big part of our community.

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I am still on season 1 of Supergirl, but I’ll skip ahead to see this with everyone :smiley:

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It’s okay Mae. If you would like to, you could always post your thoughts on the episode after the WAL and we’ll be happy to discuss it with you!

Yay! Glad you’ll be able to join us. Season 1 was a lot of fun, but I think you’ll enjoy season 4 a lot :smiley:

1 hour to go before showtime!

15 minutes

10 minutes until showtime!

5 minutes

Okay it’s time!

If anyone is here

Hit Play!

I feel like I’m at the movie theater alone. I don’t mind it :joy:

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OMG, I had forgotten about the other Supergirl.

Red Son!Supergirl, love her

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Hey, this dealer guy was on Euphoria!

Hi @MycroftRH I love her too. She was a fun villain.

The Supergirl characters feel like such a family. I love that about this show.

LOL, I wish I had donuts right about now.