DC Conspiracy Theory: The Mothman Was A Martian!

In 1966, in a West Virginia small town called Point Pleasant. A creature in the shape of man with beaming red eyes and giant 10 foot wings flew across the town, scaring the people of the town. With escalating rumors of it’s sightings, the locals gave it the name Mothman. Inspired by the Batman villain.

The Mothman alleged last prominent sighting in Point Pleasant was prior to the destruction of the silver Bridge in 1967 that killed over 46 people. After that, any reports of Mothman thereafter were treated as a hoax. The Mothman now exists as part of the town’s folklore and in popular culture from books, movies and recently in fallout 76.

Its fictional origins were numerous, but one I thought to highlight was one where the urban legend was actually an extraterrestrial, a creature who wasn’t of this world. Now, a famous alien may not have wings, but he has a big cape, is a giant, and has well known red eyes.

The UFO legend goes even deeper, with men in black being seen around prior and after the silver Bridge collapse. This was set in the 1960s, when Martian Manhunter was prominently detective John Jones.

Lol okay, no more innuendos I promise :smile:

Do I believe the Martian Manhunter was the Mothman? No. But I thought, why not just another Martian? This is not a pitch, but more like a head-cannon logic I think could be cool to see canonized. Perhaps the Mothman was actually another Martian that found itself on earth like J’onn and lived in hiding around the same time as he did.
My idea is that considering the environment of West Virginia, the Martian may have simply adapted into the natural wildlife rather than live among humanity and eventually became so accustomed to nature, he indirectly assumed the role of Mothman.

What I thought would be interesting was that the Mothman could be added to Martian Manhunter rogue gallery as a tragic villain who could be like the equivalent of Man-Bat and have J’onn face off against a monstrous reflection of himself.

I always loved the mythology surrounding both characters, and it seems that considering the people of Point Pleasant stole the name from a Batman comic book that DC steals the urban legend from the people of Point Pleasant.
Science fiction, 60s mass hysteria, and two aliens who were from that era, it certainly would be cool to see the Mothman be part of the Martian mythology and battle it out with the Martian Manhunter.


I actually, accidently got Point pleasant as my engineering disaster in my engineering class in college. I actually picked it but had no idea what it was. I ended up being the only person asked questions and guess what they were about? (Hint: it wasn’t the bridge)


This really cool. The Mothman story has always interested me and its real neat how you made all those correlations.


Martian Mothmanhunter?


Get this to the publishers, stat!


I’m such a huge Mothman fan. The story goes so much deeper then people realize. That bridge was over the Ohio river. There was weird stuff happening in both States. There was a couple that saw a tiny ufo land on the shores of the Ohio River. Then they said 4 little people got out of it, in something resembling a spacesuit. Dug up the Earth & bagged it. So, basically took soil samples-& that happened on the Ohio side of that bridge b4 it collapsed. Oh & btw, that other story just ends with- the humanoid creatures that were like inches tall, just got back in their ufo & departed like it was an absolutely routine mission lol. I wanna visit that Musuem someday- & I will…!!


Before he was Jon Jones, he was Indrid Cold.


:joy: right on…


My cousin and her best friend are actually going to a Mothman convention soon. I had heard about the story but I did not realize that people were hosting conventions for it.


My boyfriend has this one. I have thought about moving it to my collection to see if he will actually miss it :laughing:


My toy like that was really stiff and not fun to play with unlike the other DCAU toys.


He will :face_holding_back_tears:


Just tell J’onn to shapeshift into a generic G.I. Joe whenever he looks? lol. No @LastSon0fMars is correct, he’d absolutely notice….I’d notice if someone moved mine a few inches to the right or left haha.


I decided to let him keep it lol. He doesn’t pay attention to anything, so I may move it just to see how long it takes him to realize it. :laughing:


Uh-oh, if he slips u might be able to get it then lol. I’m literally ocd so there’s no shot haha. I can sense it if anyone was even in my room. Idk, I’d like to think it’d be extremely difficult? But, if I wasn’t looking for it? In other words, if I knew one person & one person only visited me, I probably wouldn’t notice. But I think I’d just naturally look everything over if it was a gathering or just people who aren’t commonly visiting did so. I’d probably subconsciously do a once over afterwards…?