DC Community Roll Call: Tell Us About Yourself!

Hey @BatmanMazz! Thanks for sharing with us, we have so many members here who share your love of Batman so you’re definitely in the right place. I agree that Christopher Reeve was such an amazing Superman. Welcome to the Community!! We’re so happy to have you here with us.


@Barrys.Better.Half Thanks for having me! I love the community so far!


Yes! A lot of free time. Haha. Sounds like a plan.
I read your message over a hour ago and now I have a pizza in the premises. Don’t know what came over me. It’s a frozen pizza but I got a oven and just add some extra ingredients to and I Might eat it during a watch a long. :grin:


Two rescue kitties one is a loving flame point siamese with anxiety issues and the other a playful gray floofy tabby that can stand only one person…himself. Both are monsters. Cookie monsters… they eat even carbs if I leave it out. Do you have any other animals that call you their own? I love to trailride but don’t have the land or $ to have a horse furbaby. Thanks for the suggestion I check it out. Who is your favorite character?


I am Brian. I am living in the swamps of New Jersey. my parents used to buy me comic books to shut me up. My favorite character is Hawkman, He is so cool looking with those wings and helmet and mace,plus he has a hot wife. favorite villains are the Crime Syndicate. They were fantastic in the forever Evil story, The sandman Mystery Theater was a great tittle it had a great mixture of suspense plus super hero plus sherlock Holmes. it was and is a great read. Favorite tv, series was Friday the 13th the tv series. it got a bad wrap because of the tile but it was a spooky weekly series. Interests. Hockey,Opera/broadway shows. Bike riding,Baking and garden work. What is Pizza?


Hey @LuciferComplex140.80394!

Welcome to the Community! Thanks for sharing your story. Hawkman IS pretty cool looking. I giggled when I read your parents used to buy you Comic books to shut you up. Parents have to do what they have to do sometimes… right? :joy:

You have a lot of different interests, favorite hockey team?! (Go Penguins!)


life long Devils fans since 1987. best memory was 1995 sitting in the Brendan Byrne Arena and seeing the Devils destroy The red wings in 4 games with my father who got me into watching hockey games.


I’ve been here for a little while, maybe 2-3 weeks, and I just saw this so yeah, here goes :harley_hv_7: :

Q. What or who got you into comics?
A. Harley Quinn: Birds Of Prey is what really jump started me into the comics. I’ve always have had a little interest in them, but the movie and characters are what made me start.

Q. Do you have a favorite DC character, either superhero or villain?
A. I have a few, Harley Quinn, Batwoman(Kate Kane(CW)), Alice/Red Alice(CW), Black Canary(Dinah Lance), Huntress(Helena Bertinelli), Victor Zsazs, Black Mask/Roman Sionis, and Wonder Woman. I mostly like Villans.

Q.What comic, TV show, or movie do you recommend to people who have never read comics before?
A.I recommend Harley Quinn: Birds Of Prey because you don’t need any history about the characters to understand. I knew nothing about all the characters except for Harley Quinn going into this movie and I absolutly loved it.

Q. What’s your perfect casting of your favorite character?
A. MARGOT ROBBIE AS HARLEY QUINN, there is no other actress that would be able to get the expressions and movement the way she does. She’s perfect for the role. Also Rachel Skarsten And Alice/Red Alice in Batwoman(CW Series). She gets everything perfect in my opinion.

Q. What are some of your other, non-DC interests?
A. I really like drawing, acting, and walking through the woods behind my house.

Q. Do you accept pineapple on your pizza?
A. I mean, I don’t personally like it, but you do you.

Q. Where are you from?
A. I’m from Long Island, NY

-Doc’s Lotus Flower :harley_smilehqtas:


Welcome to our community, @Miss.Face-Peeley-Pants! I’ve said it before, but it’s never too late to pop by for a formal hello. We’re certainly glad to have you here and to have the chance to greet you. :slight_smile:

I’m loving your list of favorite characters, as well! It sounds like you know quite a few of DC’s powerful ladies. Likewise, I’m also a fan of Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, as are many others here on the forums. I’m sure you’ll be making friends here in no time!


Hello, all! Matt aka @3two3one on all social media, here. Currently a Vanlifer residing in Knoxville, TN. #vanlife

Lover of all things Geek (comics, RPGs, video games, podcasts, movies, TV, 80’s Yacht Rock and Heavy Metal – to name a few…) Read my first comics at the old barbershop and was hooked ever since. Thanks to pen-and-paper Role-playing Games, I’ve created a few original heroes of my own, over the years.

My first and favorite DC character of all time is Dan Cassidy aka The Weirdness Magnet, BLUE DEVIL. That first story arc back in 1984 needs to be a CGI miniseries like Rebels or Clone Wars… heck, cast ME as the voice of BD!

Join me all over social media; always nice to make new friends. And, fer cryin’ out loud… PUT WHATEVER YOU WANT ON YER PIZZA!!


welcome to the dinner table, remember to clean up after yourself. Have fun




Hey @3two3one,

Welcome to the Community! Lover of all things Geek? You’ve certainly come to the right place! I have no idea what 80’s Yacht Rock is, I’ll have to look it up. We are so happy to have you here with us, please do not hesitate to let us know if you need anything!

Also… I agree! Put whatever you want on your pizza.


Hello from New York! DC cosplayer here. I would try to tell you my favorite character is Scarecrow or something, but judging by my username, I think you’d all know I was messing with ya. (Scarecrow is my second fave though!) I’ve been cosplaying at cons almost exclusively as Batwoman since 2016, and when I’m not working updating my batsuit or reading my ever-growing mountain of comic books, I’m also a musician and a writer.


@Tony_Revenge - Ahh, that’s a comfort, you know… one’s wallet is safer with frozen pizza (…unless you count my buying in bulk…) :wink: I hope it was tasty if you had the chance to make it! :pizza:

@annieM.37180 - Aww, thank you for elaborating - those lovable companions sound positively darling! Even the floofy tabby, since he reminds me of Rorschach (to answer your question, he’s definitely my favorite character, as well!) :stuck_out_tongue: We’ve always had pets at my house, but at the moment, we only have one goldfish, and two chihuahuas to add to the list. Still, everything from pups, kittens, fish, and parakeets have been present at one time or another, though. :slight_smile: What about you? I hope you’re able to have a horse at some point in the future, though I completely understand what you mean on the issue of land and money. My dad’s always wanted one, so it’s a family desire here, too. Ooh, and sending this thread suggestion your way, too! :heart:

Hey @BatwomanNYC - Welcome to the forums, and thank you for the great intro! It’s awesome to hear you’re a cosplayer, and multiple thumbs up for both of your top fav characters (you’ll have to let us know how you like Scarecrow in Harley Quinn when you get the chance :slight_smile:). Since you’re a musician, we hope you end up enjoying our music threads here on the forums - feel free to chime in on our weekly Mixtape Monday feature, for instance, or, if you’d like to mix some of the comic panels you’ve gone through into the mix, the “Musical References in DC” thread might be a perfect match, as well!


Hi all! I’m from Phoenix, Arizona.
I honestly don’t remember a time I wasn’t interested in comics. I’ve always been a huge book nerd and that included reading comics! It’s really hard to pick just one favorite character, but obviously Stephanie Brown is pretty up there for me. I think that if someone’s never read comics before, Batman: Year One is a pretty fantastic way to get introduced!
As for non-DC interests, I’m a huge cat lover, reader, and I’m currently in school for Computer Science! And I absolutely do not accept pineapple on pizza mostly because I don’t like pineapple in the first place, but I’m not in charge of pizza so do whatever you want!!!


Hi @lovelace, it’s great to have you here as a part of our community! It certainly does sound like you have a long history with loving comics and I’m thrilled to hear that you’re a lover of Batman comics. I’d have to agree that Batman Year One is an awesome introduction to the character and really is a great way to get new people interested in this classic hero.

Are you also a fan of the Batman villains? If so, I’d love to hear what you think of Harley Quinn season 2 so far! :smiley:


Hello universe,
Born in Kuwait City, Kuwait, living in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Growing up watching Superman series, I just loved this world. Been hooked on this ever since.

Will have to say I have three favorite DC characters: Deathstroke, zatanna, constantine.

I would recommend The Justice League animated series to ease them into this world. Then open the floodgates and recommend every comic book I’ve read.

perfect casting of my favorite character: genuinely loved Joe Manganiello’s look as Deathstroke. Too bad we didn’t see much of him.
Also would like Alexandra Daddario and Joseph Morgan as Zatanna and Constantine.

non-DC interests: well not much, just video games and some movies or tv shows.

pineapple is absolutely not acceptable.


I love season 2 so far! Harley Quinn is just such an interesting character overall, and the show is so entertaining. I especially love all the more obscure references and characters like Doctor Trap in the last episode!


@SladeForPresident Welcome! Welcome!

You’ve got some epic faves! You’ll definitely fit in here. :partying_face:

What’d you like most about Joe Manganiello’s Deathstroke? Just the overall look/accuracy or something in particular?