DC Comics 4-packs to replace 100 page Walmart Giants

Marketing does indeed work. :+1:

The date each book went to the printer is on the bottom right of the interior rear cover.

DC must have pulled out their Walmart chips in April to get those out, given how backed up everything else got (through no fault of their own).

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I love the idea of mystery packs. I got started in comics because of a Marvel five pack. You could see a cover on the front, and a cover on the back. The three in the middle were a mystery.

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Image has actually taken to free issue ones on their site and on the Top Cow site they have free issue ones and free TPB vol. 1 for download.

While I applaud this move there are a few downsides.

  1. You have to know about Top Cow and then go to the site as this isn’t heavily promoted.
  2. You are bringing in digital comic readers that might not translate to sales in a comic shop.
  3. These aren’t exactly kid friendly titles.

And what’s funny is that in the book section I have seen DC trades before, mostly related to whatever movie is coming out. I picked up the Shazam Origins trade and The Killing Joke Deluxe Edition that way.

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This is very exciting. I am just thinking of where I used to live in South Carolina. I could go to two Walmarts within 15-30 minutes from my house but the 3 comic shops were 30-45 minutes away. In rural places Walmart is a very common as opposed to comic shops. With Diamond out of the picture I can imagine DC looking at different avenues, especially for the toys and statues.

I cannot stress enough that I see this as a great thing but I can see blowback from the gatekeeping elements of fandom. I hope that isn’t the case.


I quit buying “cards” for just this reason. FYI if u got time u used to b able to slide the comics around and at least b able to guess the titles. (Pro-tip)

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Eh, I still think it’s a cool concept. I would have loved these growing up and getting to trade with people the comics I had already read or if I had copies for new ones. There were no comic shops where I lived and this would have been cool as heck. I get people will miss the Giants, but the way they were handled was horrible and it’s no wonder they failed. It’s better for the general public that isn’t into comics to have this option than nothing. The rest of us can still buy from comic shops, Comixology, subscribe to DCU/Marvel Unlimited, etc.

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What’s the cost of a pack?


The Superman bundle was awesome and it was all recent issues too! My favorite was Action Comics 1022 which came out at the beginning of June!

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For a line that spanned just over two years and two volumes, the latter of which included comic store availability, I think saying it failed is a bit of a stretch.

The Giants line was gradually overtaken by new content from it being reprinted in the Digital First titles that launched in April, and as that print-debut content was exhausted, it was supplanted by additional content that was making its true, technical digital debut.

I doubt DC was interested in that new digital content being reprinted in future issues of the current Giant line, as that would have then made them become reprint anthologies with no new content at all. So, DC simply pulled the plug on that line, with the new features from those books continuing on digitally as they brought the shrinkwrapped content back to Walmart so as to have an exclusive, print-oriented product for them.

Anyhow, I saw the 5-packs at multiple stores a few days ago. I was tempted to pick up a couple, just for kicks, but I passed. As someone who bought their share of sets like these when I was a kid and in my teens as well, I do hope this latest go at the bundle approach will hook future fans.

One additional note: these sets seem to feature a decent number of variant editions. For anyone who missed out on variants from a few months ago, this could serve as a viable way to get them at retail if their comic store of choice no longer has them.

Well, I won’t be calling them a success. It is what it is. No judgement on the quality or anything (it’s more about how they were handled). Their purpose was to bring in new readership, but instead, the only people talking about them were already comic readers before the Giants. That’s a failure. :woman_shrugging:


That’s fine. We can agree to disagree on their success rate.

So far, only fans have been talking about the four packs here, but it’s too early to judge those as a success or failure.

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What else was included? An all Superman pack piques my interest…

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Likewise, as the Superman pack was one of two (the other featured Aquaman) I had my four eyes on whence last I was at yon World o’ Wally.

There was Superman 21 (current series), Action Comics 1022, Supergirl 40 & Justice League Dark 22. I honestly was not disappointed.


Interesting. Thanks for the information.

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