DC Character For A Day

If you could be a DC Character for a day, who would you be? I personally would want to be a Robin.


I’ll go with my usual cheat answer. J’onn J’onzz so I could shape-shift into any character I want, & be every character I could be in 24hrs. Or Miss Martian, either way.

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I would choose Hal Jordan his will to overcome great fears inspires me to overcome my own- his drive and motivation and his will drive him to become the most effective leader. Who wouldn’t love to have a magical ring that you can create anything you imagine, as long as your will is strong enough. And I’ve always loved to be able to fly a plane or aircraft good- and Hal Jordan is an ace test pilot.

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I see what you mean. I too would love to be a GL.

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I was going to go with Constantine, because magic, but realized I probably won’t even survive a few hours in the day as him. Haha. So I’ll go with a slightly safer option of Zatanna.

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I feel you.

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