Congratulation DC Universe Infinite!

Congratulation DC Universe Infinite, you now officially have 1300 different series of comics in your DC Library section and I’m sure there’s alot more on it’s way! :partying_face::tada::confetti_ball:
Love browsing through these books every once in a while. Wish I could read them all!
My top 13 favorite books are…

  1. The Batman Adventures/Batman & Robin Adventures
  2. Detective Comics
  3. Superman Adventures
  4. Batman (1940)
  5. Action comics
  6. Justice League Unlimited
  7. Superman (1940)
  8. Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E
  9. Wonder Woman (1987)
  10. Bat Lash
  11. Batman: Gotham Adventures
  12. Scooby-Doo Team-up
  13. Batman Returns

I’m sure I’m leaving out alot of others great books, what’s everybody top 13 favorite book in DC Library? :grinning:


Rough Order (except the top 4 which are written in stone)

  1. The Dark Knight Returns
  2. JSA
  3. Master Race
  4. Justice Society of America Volume 3
  5. Hawkman Volume 5.
  6. Green Lantern 2004
  7. Stars and STRIPE
  8. All-Star Comics
  9. Action Comics
  10. Detective Comics
  11. Green Lantern (original)
  12. Forever Evil
  13. Justice League of America (2013)